New Phone Dilemma

Hi guys, just wanting some Ozbargain community help.

My contract is up soon and i'm looking to upgrade to a new phone. I've been using an iPhone 5s for the past 2 years, but i'm slowly getting over the iOS experience to be honest. It feels the same old same old with not many added features. Now i've heavily invested in Apple using a Macbook, iPad and iPhone. Would it be a bad idea to switch to the Samsung Galaxy S6? I think the design of Samsung is improving and also the internals, or maybe even the LG G4 when that is announced? I can also wait until the iPhone 6S or whatever they end up deciding to call it..

Please insert your input below, it will be very much appreciated.


  • +1

    If it is not broken, don't fix it? You might regret moving to Android if you've invested heavily in Macbook, and iOS system. I think you probably should wait for iPhone 6S, I've heard rumours about new 4 inch iPhone line as well as other things. Who knows, maybe you'd end up missing features that you took as given, maybe new iPhone 6s wlll blow your mind or something. I personally think it wouldn't be too late even if you wait for the new iPhone 6s.

    If the new iPhones don't measure up to your expectations or something like that, I think that's the point when you should start thinking about whether you should move to Android or not.

    This is all just my personal opinion, of course.

    • Thanks a lot, i might wait it out and see what the best of both worlds has to offer.

  • +1

    I tried android out for a year and hated it. I have a iPad, Macbook Pro and iPhone now and they all sync nicely together. If I were you I'd wait for the 6S to come out and decide then.

  • +2

    Same boat here, I've been using the 5S for about 2 years and should be changing phones soon (plan ends in a few months). Ofc the typical me would be wait for new iPhone to come out and gobble it up but the size of phones have become ridiculously large for me. The 5S feels just right (my previous 4S was a tad small even for me back then) in my hands and the 6 or 6 plus is overkill (imo ofc).

    I'm too used to using a solid feel phone so using a plastic made phone such as a samsung is not an option. Several of my friends have shown me their Samsung phones where the wear and tear on the plastic makes the phone look absolutely disgusting. Internally wise I would side with Samsung phones but since iPhones perform to my expectations, I don't really care about specs. Chances are i'll probably end up getting the 6S (non - plus version) even though I'm doing my best not to become an apple fanboi lol.

    • Yeah it's a big dilemma at the moment, i feel like most phones are roughly the same with screens just getting better and phones getting bigger. I thought about the + version but i also agree it's too big. I guess we'll all have to play the waiting game for now.

  • +3

    I must say Apple is going downhill.

    I got my iPhone 6 Plus the 1st day they released from Vodafail. Sometimes the iOS is buggy and stuck (annoyingggggg).
    However, I am still not comfortable enough to switch to Samsung as I got quite -ve experience years ago. It might be a good idea to wait 6SP (or 6 Plus S, it's awkward isn't it?) and decide what to get.

    I am not a big fan of Apple but I still think iPhone is not a bad choice at this stage. Time will tell.

    • I got my iPhone 6 Plus the 1st day they released from Vodafail. Sometimes the iOS is buggy and stuck (annoyingggggg).

      That isn't the iPhone that is iOS 8 which is incredibly buggy and feels rushed…

      • That's right!

        iOS 8 is problematic!!!

        • iOS 7 was the same…. Rendered my iPhone 5S as a liability to use

  • +2

    LG G4 looks exciting, all depends on how that new leather build turns out!

    I was tempted by the G3 but didn't like the in hand feel, hopefully they'll do something nice this time

  • Only thing with switching is all the apps you paid for on ios you will have to buy again but other then that i dont see why not switch if you like what android has on offer.
    just because you have a mac doesn't mean at all you HAVE to have an Iphone.

    Android has every feature iphones have plus more.

  • +3

    I was very much in same boat, 3 iPhones and got to point where didn't want to pay big money for not much improvement.
    I took the plunge to Android getting a OnePlusOne and not missed iPhone last 6 months.
    Love the ability to customise the phone to Nth degree.

    • Similar here, Had one Apple device and I would never go back to them. I'm personally leaning towards the Asus Zenfone 2 as my next phone, seems to be a great deal considering the price. I'm finding my current Note 3 is slowing down more and more everyday.

  • Stick with Iphone since you have invested heavily in the ecosystem, you will hate android if you switch because it is really different system.

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