Rowenta Air Purifier (if You Own One, Please Help for The Good of OzBargain)

I admit I just snatched one for $141 posted…

It's a little tiny bit of work, but I've noticed Rowenta is not much help in regards to replacement filters.

Would someone be so incredibly kind to measure the internal filter hole (heh) as close as possible in mm's and the dimensions of the filter? I have technically 1/2" either side to work in. I am currently talking to some filter manufacturers to get some custom ones made up. They aren't terribly expensive either. I'd be satchel posting them to people, unsure on prices as yet but would be good to know if we can get some made or if there are ones already on the market that match up to the unit.

Thanks! I'm trying to sell mine for a profit since the mother didn't want it for mothers day but no luck with this I'll have to open it up myself and check.


  • I've got some rough measurements here from other sites. If I can assure myself replacements are obtainable I'll probably use it myself. Hell… how many of us purchased one? That would help alot!

  • All good guys…

    I've decided to open mine and glad I did, I can get new filters tomorrow but would prefer to get some better made custom ones for it. The ones available to me only filter to .5 micron. The HEPA filters last 6-24 months depending on how dirty your place is. I've got the exact measurements so there is no issue getting more filters. Thanks.

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