Where to buy M&M's Dark Chocolate?


As above, where can I get M&M's Dark Chocolate and M&M's Dark Chocolate with peanuts?


They have these in the states


  • i'll check Costco next time I'm there, those speciality lollies stores (which sell chocolates from around the world) sell them but very expensive!

  • I'll hijack the thread a little and ask if anyone knows if there is anywhere you can get dark maltesers in Australia? Always annoyed that they are made here, but I can only find them for sale in HK.

  • I have many family members and friends travelling overseas through Singapore. Plenty there at Changi airport terminal.
    Catchoftheday sometimes sell them or the US speciality lollies stores. Otherwise, buy them through Amazon in bulk.

  • Have you tried us foods online? They usually have everything the states do.

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