What is the best approach for selling a used car?

Hi. Can anyone suggest the best way to sell a car privately? Can you suggest any free sites other than the obvious main ones like Carsales, Gumtree etc. What have you used? What has worked and what hasn't? Thank you.


  • There is no science to it, let as many people know its for sale as possible and just manage the enquiries until you get what you want. Wide nets get the best deals but may take more work to sift through the time wasters, but getting it out there is the key.

  • +1

    Unfortunately selling a car is most of the time painful due to so many idiots out there. The first thing I would not do is list it on Gumtree it is free for a reason. Use either carsales or carsguide to list your car it weeds out some of the time wasters even though you have to pay.

  • -2

    Sell it to a dealer. You might not get as good a price as selling it directly but it will be a lot less hassle and running around.

  • Who really knows. Once sold a car with via the local paper. One enquiry only and it was sold, no haggling no other enquiries, I had even forgotten to cancel the ad but no more enquiries. Go figure.

    Other times not successful, with a paper ad, but multiple enquiries with a sign on the street.

    And then parking at one location, no enquiries, parking at another multiple enquiries.

    Like bargains here at Ozbargain, Right place at right time. Analysing it doesnt help.

  • What i actually meant was, have you found some ways that have worked better? Some more sucessful than others. What was your approach? Just asking. Of course you can trade but you don't get back what you have put in and extras you have added. Also if you are not in a rush you may as well try to get what you want and need. Private selling is a headache indeed. People ask ridiculous questions or don't follow through. Thank you to those who contributed any way.

    • Sorry wasnt trying to put you off. Problem is that like many we don't sell cars that often, so its hard to say what would work and what doesn't, thats why I gave my examples, as while it was successful, it doesnt mean you would find the same, and what works one yera might not the next.

      While some criticise private selling and it can take time, its like all these things, if it's priced right for the person who sees it, it can sell. Like when I sold the first car. it sold straight away. I then thought I sold it too cheaply, but as I said I forgot to cancel the ad, but never got another call. So in reality my price probably wasnt too cheap.

      The only way you can tell is to see what a dealer offers (or a few) then price it above, that way you know you are getting more.

  • +1

    Yes, i know where you are coming from. I have mostly traded cars and not been too bothered. All good. Dealers don't care about the care or extras you add sadly. 1 car is the same car. My pet peeve when selling anything is someone who makes an offer that is like half of what you ask for, when the price is reasonable, if not what those items go for. Why don't i just give it to you. Guess that's why i am on Ozbargain. $1 is a dollar! Lol

  • Is that Ferrari in your profile pic ? Don't sell it lol

  • Lol

  • Have you tried social media? post it on fb, get a few buddies to share it

  • Facebook has a heap of groups "(Town or region) Cars Buy swap sell". Lots to see and some groups have large membership. It's the way of the future!!

  • Facebook needs to hire you :)

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