How much money do you have in Superannuation (by age)?

I am curious about how much money people have in their Superannuation accounts compared to their age.

Most of the money I have is from work but I have contributed a little as well.

I am:
28 Years Old


  • 29yo with $92k.

    6 years in public service @ 15.4% helped a fair bit. And it was free, with no admin charges!

    Switching to SMSF now (I'm a tax accountant) so the only fee I have to pay is the annual audit fee.

  • 29, have 94k in super. Did 6 yrs of co-contributions during the Costello years to get the govt co-contributions while I was below the income thresholds. Otherwise all from work.

  • 128k, 35yo - no extras

  • 40yo and have ~$430k. Defined benefit scheme, so performance of the fund doesn't really mean much to me. I did it all wrong though - contributed a small percentage in the early days, and when I finally wised up financially in the last few years realised I needed to increase contributions to be able to hit the maximum multiplier before 60. Should have been contributing max % while on a starting wage, and then be able to reduce it as my wage increased.

    • Seems like you wised up early enough though, congrats! Very jealous of anyone with defined benefits

    • Can you explain what you mean?

      Ahh, this is for public service superannuation fund.

  • didn't know there were so many richkuntz on ozb

    • People become rich after discovering ozbargain.

  • Hi,
    We've built a crowdsourced database to try to answer some of these questions - how much do people have, what are the returns and how do we all rank against each other. Please sign-up at We also have a demo tool (Rank Me) on the site with the data we have gathered so far.

  • 44.5 Years old Balance 330k
    26 yrs at big miner in production role shift work earning fairly good dollars not huge though. Not put in extra contributions or salary sacrifice. After GFC went from balanced to growth.

  • 33, $0
    But I'm not originally from here, but will be citizen next year, so I guess I should start finding a way to save for the future. I have very young kids to take care of, so cannot crack the job market yet. My partner has a relatively secure employment, but not paying very well. He plans to contribute $3000 to me annually, and also I could contribute $1000 for the government co-cons, although not sure cause we're not really low-income as a household.
    Being from overseas, we are obviously at a big disadvantage having measly super balance in this stage of our lives.

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