Black Heads! How to Get Rid of Them?

What tips and tricks do you have to get rid of these buggers? Or you one of these people that doesn't care?


  • Neutrogena face wash….so I've heard.

  • +1

    If they're big, i pop them, then clean it with facewash.

    Diet and exercise helps with most of them though.

  • I think it really depends on how bad it is, if it is really bad, it might be worthwhile to pay a visit to a dermatologist (if you are really really concerned by blackheads, to an extent where you'd be willing to part with fair bit of money to fix it). I am not sure about Australia, but I've heard that in my home country at least, it's fairly common for people to visit dermatologist for aesthetic purposes.

    That being said, eat healthy, do exercises. Skin care products help, but they don't fix problems on their own. They just help. I personally found BHA products to work for me (at least, I don't get as many pimple/blackheads as I used to, especially around the nose area). That being said, I still get blackheads, just not as severe. I've heard that you should never try to squeeze them out because it widens the pore which would make the situation worse in the long run. So I try very hard to ignore them.

  • +1

    Those Biore Pore strips work quite well at removing blackheads on the nose.

    • +8

      Only removes the very top layer (the visible black bits, which is the portion of the comedone that is exposed to air). They don't even get the actual blackheads, they just rip out your Sebaceous filaments.

      Deeper down in the pores the, much of the blackhead still remains, and it will eventually fill up again with sebum and dead skin cells very quickly.

      Blackheads turn black because the oil and dead skin cells become oxidised — AFAIK there's no effective way of preventing them from happening. A blackhead is simply a plug that fills a hole in your skin — so long as there's a pore, dead skin cells and oil will fill up the pore and form a plug. The top of the plug blackens when exposed to air outside.

      TLDR Pore strips actually break capillaries, open pores, and rip skin. Most of the time, people might assume they have blackheads when they do not. They are most likely removing sebaceous filaments which are completely normal for skin to produce. Sebaceous filament will come back in a few hours to a day after removing them.

      Do not squeeze your blackheads, and definitely do not use baking soda like some sites suggest. Visit your dermatologist and see if they can prescribe anything (retinoids) that will reduce production of sebum (oil secreted by your skin). They may also suggest using AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) which is a dilute acid solution in a gel (roughly 10~14%) which will gently exfoliate your skin.

      For anything related to skincare, visit the SkincareAddiction subreddit. That's where the cool kids (and dermatologists) hang out.

  • A friend of mine when I was a teenager recommended either washing the face with cold water only at the end of a shower, or dunking the face in cold water immediately after getting out of the shower. As well as generally taking cooler showers.
    The theory being that after a hot shower your pores are wide open to vent excess heat and therefore are open to catch lint from the towel which later becomes food and shelter for bacteria.
    The cold water rinse closes the pores.
    Seemed to work for me, but I wasn't terribly afflicted to begin with.

    • -1

      The pores on your skin do not open or close so I really doubt your method was anything but a placebo.

      • Fair enough..

    • assuming that their argument is valid (which i'm skeptical about). Once could always use a lint free towel… or a lint free rag for drying their face.

  • +2

    The charcoal scrub in a tube you get from Priceline or Big W - the grainier the scrub the better
    If you can afford it, go to a basic facial session once every 6 weeks, as the face is steamed and the aesthetician will easily remove them for you when the blackheads come to the surface. If she is good, you go back with no blackheads on your face. During steaming, they can come right out to the surface so some can be wiped off literally with a tissue piece. You could buy your own facial steamer from Priceline, and squeeze the sections carefully inward between your fingers. You'd be surprised how easily they come to the surface with the help of steam.

  • Some of these suggestions may be of assistance.…

  • +2

    BHA/Salicylic acid products. Eg, Stridex max strength (red box)

  • +1

    You can put cucumber pieces over your eyes every day for about half an hour and see the magic.

  • Also look up sebaceous filaments vs blackheads.

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