Unreasonable neighbour making changes to shared dividing fence

Our neighbour has started erecting "concertina wire" the coily wire over the fence with spikes over our dividing fence as well as razor wire along about half the fence at the back. (similar to the stuff in jails like this http://www.barbedwiresupplier.com/upfiles/image/razor-wire-c…)

There is no problem with the existing fence but he has erected this without seeking our permission, without notice and so I would not foresee him being able to argue it was an "urgent" repair situation to warrant no notice.

Mum's not happy as;

  1. the divided fence is shared property
  2. no notice, no agreement, nothing to inform us; he just got up on a lazy Sunday morning and started to erect it
  3. it's ugly and not aesthetically pleasing and makes it look like a prison
  4. the work he's doing to attach it to the existing fence may cause structural damage

After some complaints we've made over the morning as he erects this, his reasoning is;

  1. Apparently thieves enter his property over our fences (how on earth because its our backyard I don't know) - he has no evidence of this and it is only a suspicion
  2. If he does not erect these wires, is our family going to be responsible for the thieves who enter his house (<- this has no logic)

He's now decided to try and shut us up by moving it more over his side to, I guess, dangle from the fence over to his side, slightly out of our sight (I'm not sure as he hasn't finished yet). I've had a look at the information online on dividing fences, most references and legal information on things like LawAccess talk about dividing costs and getting agreements to repairs.

Just wondering, if it is no longer at the top of the fence but dangling off to his side but he is hammering nails into the fence etc (which could cause damage to the fence as it's metal), is that allowed?

I am planning to do some more research after exams but thought I'd ask the OzB community on any thoughts/similar experiences/knowledge?

TL/DR: OP's neighbour constructing concertina wire (I googled the name, the coiled wires around prisons) onto shared dividing fence without OP's family's permission, sans notice, has now decided to move it slightly more to his side of the fence. Are any attachments to the dividing fence allowed?

16/6/15 UPDATE - not sure when it happened but he's made a fancy little roof weave from the fence to the side of his shed - http://i.imgur.com/ZlR64gn.jpg?1
* OP has also submitted an electronic complaint to the Council who informed me on the phone that they would investigate it once I submit the form
ALSO - there has NEVER been a robbery - I asked my mum to verify what he said about telling my mum there was a robber earlier (I didn't get involved in the past but you do not disrupt a person's home and their mum) - a small pot plant got a chip on the side and a bit of dirt was on the floor and that's his "evidence" that there was a thief —> yes a thief who has 4 legs and 9 lives ie a pussy cat


      • +1

        hahaha not sure he'll know what ASIO and AFP stand for

        • +1

          He's probably been arrested by them a few times so should know what all these acronyms are (:

  • Fairly sure that it is illegal to use barbed wire or similar in suburban fencing.
    Talk to your local council. Take some photos in..
    If he is just a nutter putting up a bigger back fence then let him go.. he is not affecting your property.
    Things could be worse.. :-)

    • +1

      We wouldn't mind if he built his own fence next to the existing fence, that's his free will to do that because a man's house is his castle
      just don't want the dividing fence to be affected
      already done what you've suggested but yes definitely things could be worse, which is why I think speaking out before he goes batshit crazy and does more outrageous & unreasonable things is a good idea

      • +1

        I will swap neighbours with you, gladly..
        Ours used to come in our side gate and bash on the back door demanding in a very aggressive manner that we take down all the cameras and stop calling the radio stations about him!! We have no cameras and call no radio stations… needless to say.
        He's a live alone gent in his 60's and after the 3rd experience I found some of his relatives who explained he had a psych problem and goes like that when he forgets his meds..
        Since locking the side gate we have had no more visits..
        Nutters are everywhere it seems ??

        • +1

          oh i feel for you sywolap our one seems like a nutter, he paces around half the street sometimes staring at the houses of neighbours but thankfully no crazy door bashing yet

  • +2

    If you can't get him to take it down you could put up a trellis to hide it…

  • plant some Slender Weavers Bamboo about 1 metre off the fence line and enjoy the zen

    • I like this idea, I was thinking of hanging up left 4 dead zombie print outs facing his side cause thats my thang you know but slender bamboo sounds zen even on the name alone

  • +1

    To put a positive spin on it - just think of the barbed wire as keeping the crazy neighbour on HIS side of the fence and away from you… :-)

    • Nope, I wouldn't mind if he tried to have a go at me I might be a girl but I am pretty strong and I would call the cops on him
      that's not a means to an end for my issue with him

  • http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/home/justice+system/laws+and+r…
    This is the Victorian justice department site in regards to shared fencing (assuming you do live in Victoria) in regards to costs, notice and what happens if there are any disagreements. From what I understand from your description he's building the fence without your approval. Apparently if you can't resolve differences within 30 days or he's just continuing to build regardless of what you say then you can go to your local magistrates court and get an injunction to stop him.

    • unfortunately in NSW not Victoria

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