MS Office Guru Please Help!

Hi guys,

I am having problem with MS Word and would like to see if any MS Office guru can help.

I have been releasing reports at work and a colleague told me that the reports still have the name of the person (who left my current role) in the footer.

I can't see that anywhere in the document. I tried to search for it and found 2 matches in the footer. I adjusted the margins and un-hidden all text but still can't see it.

It's searchable but not visible. I want to have the paragraph removed. I understand that the easiest way would be to replace the name with mines, but there were other information that I can't see (e.g. email, phone number, mobile…) I wish to see it and remove it from the footer.

Anyone can provide me some guidance?

TL:DR - How to remove text in the footer that are searchable but not visible?


  • Insert -> Footer -> Edit Footer ?

    You may also be hiding the 'white spaces'

    At the top of the page (just below the margin ruler) you should see 2 arrows in white boxes as your cursor that you double click to show/hide white spaces

  • Insert -> Footer -> Edit Footer ?
    Tried but can't see his name…I can only "Find" it but can't see it…

    the 'white spaces'
    It's showing white spaces, but the name's not there…


  • File -> Options -> Display

    "Print Hidden Text"


    • Tried to inspect the document but no luck. I can remove the whole header & footer, but not the part with his info…


  • File -> Options -> Display
    "Print Hidden Text"

    Tried both tick & untick to print, but still can't see it…
    Actually I don't know how my colleague printed that, their printout has his name.
    I can't see it in WORD nor on the printouts, I can only find that when I use the Find function…


  • Try looking in the file>advanced properties>custom

    You can set custom fields that are used to update fields in the document

    • Sorry, where is advanced properties? I am using MS Office 2010. I can't see that under File. Do you mean Options -> Advanced? But I can't see custom there…


  • What happens when you double click on it?

    in 2010 it just goes to footer mode. Although it may appear as <<name>>

  • +1

    Guys, I found the answer from the page below:…

    Note also that a document can contain content in unused headers. For example, if you have both "Different first page" and "Different odd and even" enabled, and a section has only one page, then there are two inaccessible (but still present headers); you can reveal these by inserting temporary page breaks to add pages to the single-page section.

    Thanks everyone for your help :)

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