Help Me Find a Musical Keyboard - Piano (Under $100)

Fellow OzB,

Please help me find a good deal on a musical keyboard for kids. I am not looking for a toy piano.

I need a minimum of 61 keys.



  • Got a price range you're looking into? Is this a piano to practice for exams and recitals on - or is this one just to fool around on?

    • Hey Yuuki, I’m in the same boat as this OP, looking for a beginner piano for my 6 year old. I’ve found a Yamaha CLP - 20 for $300. Is that a good option?

  • This is for my daughter who is 7yrs. Intend to start her classes. Under 100 is budget

  • +3

    Hmmm. $100 isn't much to work with. To get anything remotely decent, you'll be wanting to buy used.

    Try to avoid anything bright and flashy. While multiple instruments are fun for the first hour, they will not use anything more than the standard piano sound from then on. So basically, keep it simple, keep it quality.

    Something with weighted keys is highly recommended. A student will need to learn feel eventually, and getting used to a weighted touch early on is extremely helpful.

    This ebay auction item seems to be your best bet, assuming you can pick it up.…

    • Hey Deek, I’m in the same position as the OP - looking for a beginner piano for my six year old. I’ve found a Yamaha CP-20 for $300. Is that a good option? TIA

      • Hi LXE3. I'm not familiar with the CP-20, but I just did a little research on it. Looks like a fun little instrument, but from what I've read, the action is very heavy. Probably not the best for a six year old. That, and it's an old instrument. The action will be very different to a real piano (which will make the transition to a piano difficult), the sound will be distinctly synthesized, and it will be a pain if it breaks down.

        I'd recommend spending a bit more, and getting a brand new Yamaha P45. Much more realistic piano sound, much better feel, and it has a warranty. Looks like you can pick one up online for $540, though you'll also need to get a stand for the keyboard. Bettermusic (below) have a simple adjustable stand for $35. The Yamaha also comes with a sustain pedal, which is nice.…

        • Thanks so much for your reply!! I’m actually looking at a 3 year old Beale 108M now. I think I’ll be able to get it for between $600 and $800 - it’s hardly been used. That sounds like a pretty good option.

  • Under $100 isn't much room for you to choose. Like deek said you need to buy second hand. Yamaha NP11 is the bottom of their range but at around the $300 mark on ebay. Found one in Gumtree for $200 including the x stand which is a decent price.… the item location is Rhodes, NSW.

  • Hey there's this from JB hi-fi, doesn't look high quality but it's under $100 dollars and has 61 keys. Might be useful as a starter instrument while you look for a better quality keyboard? I know my parents started me off with a really cheap keyboard to see how keen I'd be with practicing and continuing playing before they bought a more expensive one.

  • +2

    You cannot buy a suitable instrument new for that price. $100 is a toy piano price.
    You can get a good traditional piano 2nd hand for that, but you will need to factor in moving it and tuning it.
    I was looking for a digital piano for several years for less than the $500 they typically sell for used.
    I eventually found one from a guy who was moving and had to get it gone within 3 days (under $100! woohoo).
    It is a 20yr old Yamaha Clavinova, old but good after I cleaned it up.

    Consider also that if you are paying for lessons, you will likely spend more on lessons in the first two month than your instrument budget!
    If you buy a keyboard for $100 you will be buying again in 6 months.

  • Thank you.

    Help me Choosing between Casio ctk1100 vs lk120

    I am Inclined towards 1100 model

    Than you

    • I strongly advise that you stick with second hand - you'll get much more for your money. For reference - I sold a Roland digital piano (88 key, weighted) for $150 a couple of months back; those are the kinds of deals you'll want to keep your eye out for.

      You need weighted keys. It will not pay off in the long run purchasing a cheap keyboard - and anyone else here who plays piano will recommend the same. This is in regards to the finger technique developed with weighted keys; the same technique is absolutely not developed on a weightless/light keyboard and can result in extremely poor form when moving to a proper piano as the student is unable to control the response, feel and dynamic of the piano.

      • No point. OP won't be told.
        $150 for a Roland is a steal.

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