(Attention: Gamers) Does Anyone Know about PAX or Is Attending PAX?

Hi guys, is anyone on ozbargin going to attend PAX this year?

If you haven't heard of PAX, it is a 3 day gaming festival held at the Melbounre Exhibition and convention centre

At pax you can

  • Meet special guests
  • Play unrealesed games
  • Compete in tournaments

Oct 30- Nov 2

Tickets costs $55 (increases after July 30th)

More info https://www.facebook.com/PAXAUS

Related Stores

PAX Australia
PAX Australia


  • +2

    Been the last 2 years. My whole family makes the trip from Queensland. My Son and I attend PAX whilst the wife and daughter do the Melbourne thing..its a yearly trip for us now :)

    Really enjoy it. Last year at the exhibition centre was a lot better layed out.

    Our favorites are the retro gaming and Indie areas. Its been great watching some Aussie games develop through Pax and finally make it onto Steam. All in all its a great weekend away.

    • They plan to expand it each year!

  • I went last year after scoring a free Exhibitor pass off a mate.
    Went in super early and tried out Oculus which was super fun.

    Then scored 7 free tshirt. Oh yeaaaa

  • Have been last two years for work, will be going again this year! :D

  • Make sure to grab every freebie possible!

  • Went last year, probably won't go again. Perhaps I've been spoiled by news and content on the internet but everything felt like you were looking at the crumbs left over from overseas events.

    In the end of the day the $55pp price is a huge deal breaker, in comparison I remember paying just ~$13 for the Tokyo Game Show.

  • +1

    My partner and I will be attending. :) Looking forward to it as it's our first year living in Melbourne!

  • Definitely attending. Wouldn't miss it for the world! :P

  • Attended 2013 and 2014 with a 3-day media pass. Had a ball.

    Not sure about this year, but I probably will go. There's no other time in the year we get to geek out at a video game convention.

  • Is anyone attending PAX this year as well? Just curious on the numbers that are gonna be there.

    Been to PAX last year and it was a blast (although i went alone). Encourage people to attend to it to see the retro gaming areas too 😊

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