Moving to Nungarin, WA Temporarily-- Any Decent Wi-Fi Plans? Need HELP a.s.a.p!

Hi all,

I'm writing on behalf of my son's mate. He's helping out a cousin for a month or so & wants some sort of internet. The best I could recommend is Boost $40 plan- but he really needs something like 10- 20GB at least.

Is there any hope?

Can anyone suggest a decent provider (I'm thinking Telstra is it) or service?

Thanks for a speedy reply, if you can— he's shooting off to Nungarin on Monday.



  • Nungarin is a communications black spot for Optus. Check it on the coverage map.

    You will need to subscribe to Telstra 3G mobile services. So sadly, you won't be able to take advantage of this Amaysim deal, but you can try ebay for sellers who sell Telstra credit for a reduced amount.

    Note 4G connectivity will not be available in this town.

    • Yeah, already see no 4G there (hell, we don't have it, just south of Perth).

      How/why would ebay sellers sell for less than cost? Curious?

      Boost is so far the best bet I can locate: 3GB month + 1GB free every Sunday- for $40 + unlimited calls/text…no contract either.

      Thanks for replying- I think he's just stuck.


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