Need a high data plan for only 1 month, no calls or SMS req'd (Inside a hotspot)

Hello all,

I have a friend coming who has a locked phone here in Australia for a month.
They are accustomed to having a mammoth amount of data and I'm trying to teach them to use wifi / ease up. Regardless I'm expecting them to move a lot of data over the course of a month.

I'm going to be using a genuinely unlocked Netgear 785S…

Based in Melbourne.
I asked this on Whirlpool a whileback, someone recommended an Optus plan which sounded ok. I think it was

$2 per day for 500mb and it charges you $4 per day if you break the 500mb barrier to 1gb
So for the 25 days, that's $100 (+sim cost) for 25gb
or potentially as little as $50 (+sim cost) for 12.5gb

Any thoughts on this idea? Is Optus bad in Melbourne or is there a cheaper deal?


  • you missed out on the harvey norman $19 vodafone 3gb + 8gb deal

    • Thanks for reply, a shame - but I am looking for something with a tad more data too, this person is accustomed to unlimited AT&T in the USA (it's madness) so the more the merrier :)

      • you'd be hard pressed for one person to exhaust 11gb unless you're torrenting like hell?

        especially since Vodafone are pretty honest with data calculation unlike telstra

        • She's on an iphone, backup this, icloud sync that, snapchat videos endlessly, facebook, facetime, like…… she uses a LOT of data. :/ as would anyone with unlimited.

        • @hamwhisperer: Not necessarily true, even when I had unlimited data (at one point), I didn't use it all that much. Technological advancements/generation gap, I guess, cough.

          If she uses all of it (and not just slightly over on certain days, like daver mentions), Optus is a good option. I can't find a better un-promo deal per gig.

          Though, of course, best is just to get her to use wireless. Hopefully that part goes quickly (and you have a decent plan for that). :P

        • @jennkei:
          We intend to 'adjust' her usage habits but since we're on a holiday and out of the house a lot, I expect to go from my regular 20-50mb per day usage to 150+ for myself, plus here at 150 -> 600 ((profanity) knows!)

          So I figure something flexible, under $70 (for both of us) which gives us a good solid 10 to 30gb of data kinda thing.

  • aka '$2 per day 50% wasted plan.'

    For instance, One could spend 149MB browsing sites on day 1, then on day 2 watch 1 episode of netflix 501MB.
    Now all up that is $6 worth of freight (1x2)+(2x2) - at nearly $10 a gigabyte!
    Look out.

    • I agree that's not ideal but $2 a day isn't that bad, I'll be sharing half the cost - that's effectively 1$ per day for 12.5gb shared.

      It seems "flexible" if you ask me? Other ideas?

      • That just slices up the month by 30X expired data X30 worse than was unreal rounded/charged by MB, so I dont buy that (again): People don't consume internet like a robot. Others say the data vanishes, but Android can certainly gauge it and aggregate net usage etc.

        Otoh there is nothing wrong with real data. check at wireless ISP (# telstra prepaid broadband) forum whirlpool as the hyper crazy usage scenario came up before and effectively sorted. You aim for better ($15) starter kits give at minimum $5/G+flexible ++ACTUAL credit.

        • I guess you're right in that there's some flexibility missing and data being "wasted"
          This plan though is as good as 25GB for $100 is there anything in the 12-20gb range for significantly less? (Like $50?)

        • @hamwhisperer: certinly not currently promoted, that's why I went to the trouble of hinting vaguely to Whirlpool (without going into the mechanics of others making success of it/Credit ME2u consolidations). (Feasable to spend half one hundred)

          Potentially with some luck you may get out as good as optus 17gb$100 casually with yphone; 3 x 500M blocks ($6? sets the limit each 24h from memory.

        • @daver:

          Ok 17gb for $100 with full flexibility is useful I admit but I'm looking at 12.5gb for only $50 or 25gb for $100…..? less flexibility but arguably more data if our usage follows a fairly standard pace?

  • +1

    I'm on the Optus $2 a day 4G plan.
    Each 500mb is another $2: no limit.

    • Oh I see, so it's .. ok that's interesting - how do you find it?
      How can I get a SIM cheap for it - MicroSIM?

      I don't know much about pre-paid stuff, it frightens me :)
      Do I just buy a SIM, choose the plan and activate, keeping credit on the plan somehow?

      EDIT: it'll work fine in a hotspot, right?

  • Just buy the sim at woolies / coles 7-11 etc etc for $2

    activate it online and top it up with credit: 10,20,30,50 etc
    It's called "My PrePaid Daily plus".

    It's easier with the Optus APP
    you can view your data usage etc and recharge in the app.

    I use it as my phone as it's unlimited calls and texts (within OZ) and
    the internet is cheaper than most as I tether to my laptop.

    • Sounds straightforward, it's 4G right?
      Optus APP work on iphone? Can I use the app, without the SIM installed in the phone (with another phone..? :/ )
      Cause I can use my tethered iphone to the hotspot then.

      Thanks for the help

  • Yes, 4G.
    The APP detects the SIM card, so if the Optus SIM is in there it will detect it.
    I'm not familier with iphones and cannot advise about it's operations.

    No worries.

    • I've tried this now and I THINK Optus are blocking hotspots.
      The girl at the store tried to imply that but from the sounds of it, it seemed like she was trying to upsell me on a worse plan.
      None the less, I've put the sim in my phone and it works but when I put it in the hotspot (UNLOCKED) no go.

      I've tried a few APN's - no dice. Do you know what your APN is?

  • Update:

    I am almost positive Optus are being assholes and blocking hotspots.
    Is there some kind of ridiculously cheap Telstra deal? Say under $120 AUD for 30 days and over 20gb? Even if it's a Telstra reseller?

    Optus don't deserve my money.

    • Calm down Ham Tiger! Oh, it's been a couple of weeks, so you probably already have…

      Is there some kind of ridiculously cheap Telstra deal? Say under $120 AUD for 30 days and over 20gb? Even if it's a Telstra reseller?

      Nah, no, and nope.

      Other things:

      Optus APP work in..?

      You don't need to use the app at all. When/if you recharge, you can recharge any/different Optus prepaid number - easily and from any device - on the page.

      Each 500mb is another $2: no limit

      Limit is 500 + 500 (auto-bump) + maximum one more 500MB block in that 24Hr period (released via app or 'MENU' text to 9999 number)

      Download the relevant summary PDF (second one down) from… for any more clarification on that, and some other details.

      Previous $2 Days plan, including the 4G one (when that two dollars bought you 1GB per day) specified Android phone-use only and no tethering. Those stipulations are, in practical effect anyway, gone, but…

      I am almost positive Optus are being assholes and blocking hotspots.

      By way of group-device ID-sent and excluded, maybe.

      I once chanced my arm by tethering from a Wi-Fi modem while using a (now grandfathered and now cherished) former plan. One day, it just stopped working in that modem. I took the hint (and still do) as regards the specific T's & C's on that plan.

      I recently ported a 'surplus-to-requirements-but-too-memorable-to-chuck' number on to this current MyPrepaid Plus plan of yours. Unlike a port to a cheaper 365 day plan option, this will actually get some use - by me - and may also be of use to that data-ravenous friend/fiend of yours. Credit lasts six months and can be rolled-over, if you decide to keep it active.

      Have played with the plan a couple of times, tethered from a cheap Android phone. Your friend will see an impressively-close-to-real-time notification at 400MB, then another at 475, just prior to the level /extra$2 bump.

      I am well-served with network access and can compare. In my experience, including other Optus 4G via Amaysim 10GB pack, same is no paragon of virtue as regards stability, relative to the other two, but YMMV*.


      Oh dear, I'm so sorry, hamwhisperer. PLEASE ignore that.
      Your Bad Dad, 'spamwhisperer', has been a really bad influence on me.
      You know - just like Yo Mama.

      Once you establish a decent socket connection (don't me, don't), it's ok, but if your friend (in addition to the other stuff) is in the habit of downloading music, podcasts etc. from servers that don't allow resumed download (especially), there will likely be some issues, on occasion.
      If friend is keen on Instagram, also some more actual drop-outs and unwanted refreshing of the feed, again, occasionally. Otherwise, they will be very happy.

      Just like…


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