How many Traffic Fines (including Parking) have you got in the past 12 months?

Love my wife - She starts to learn how to be more independent on doing things in life - eg drive around on her own, drop kid to school.

She copes with few traffic fines and parking tickets this year.

  • driving unregistered vehicle (for 2 days. a relatively new car. an oversight as no longer have registration sticker in NSW) - $638
  • driving past fixed speed camera - 5km over (day dreaming?) - $300+
  • parking longer than the sign stated (in a remote suburb street with plenty of parking) - $106.

All up to just over $1000 so far.
She is remorseful and apologetic to her mistakes for which I paid for : (

Would like to know if it is just me who think $106 for a minimum parking fine is expensive - a day salary to many.

Told my wife, I now budget in my head around $1000 for Traffic Fines each year for the "stupidity tax" (stupid mistakes we all make) as cost of living. Not sure if this is enough, so I want to know the others' experience.

How many Traffic Fines (including Parking) do you have In the past 12 months?
(If you actually drive)

PS. after receiving the parking ticket, bought an App "ParkPatrol" afterwards to set alarm for parking and to alert others when rangers are spotted. So far having fun. I wish but have no financial interest on this.

Poll Options expired

  • 399
    0 - you deserve a medal!
  • 61
  • 17
  • 8
  • 8
  • 0
  • 5
    10 and over (Ouch!!)


      • +2

        That's why I'm on OzB.

        • +3

          Here's a bargain tip: stop speeding! LOLOL

        • @sparkles:

          When I was younger I thought pretty much everybody sped a little bit (like 5ks over, occasionally 10 when I'm not really paying close attention to the speedo) Because that's what I observed. I thought I was a very safe driver who must just be unlucky to get fined once a year or so.

          Almost lost my licence (on a genuinely dodgy call - I probably should have fought it) and was forced to really obey the speed limit 101% of the time. Very different driving experience.

          I've stuck to that since.

  • I've only had one speeding ticket in 30 years doing 73km/h in a 60 zone and probably a couple of parking tickets.

    There have been some very close calls where I've driven past mobile speed cameras and expected the fine to come in the post but they haven't which is a relief.

  • -1

    I got a radar jammer haven't got a ticket in years. Just a lot of nervousness when the alarm goes off!

    • since when do the police use radar?

  • Well regardless of her driving or making minor mistakes you can keep a reminder on a calender (e.g. phone calendar) and make sure no repeat of that one. That's over half off your $1000/yr. Bargain! But seriously keep that up for a couple of years and she won't have a license any longer.

  • -1


  • +3

    F#$% the road rules, F#@! this nanny state.

    • +2

      Amen to that. Governments seem to be doing their best to make it harder for people to get their licences as well.In the old days it was much easier, especially if you lived in a rural town.

      • +1

        It should be hard to get a licence. It should also be harder to keep a licence when you get old. There are non-English speakers and elderly that are a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

  • It's because everyone is so scared of going to court and even MPs are scared. Just go to Court and tell that you saw the inspector immorally note down his quota fulfillment in his notebook and chalk mark tyres till his quota for day is over. It's a parking mafia, we don't need councils run by 50+ year old hags

  • It's about 1 in 5 drivers have one or more traffic fines in the last 12 months. Is this rate reasonable??

  • +2

    I'm a newbie driver went straight to green Ps. I had my license for 2 months, have been driving more often during the last month. No fines so far :)

  • +2

    There was a definite correlation between having P plates displayed and getting pulled over by the police. I used to get pulled over all the time, sometimes for no reason. Since then, never. Except when the cops crashed into me, after which they tested me(!) for alcohol but that's another story entirely.

    A family member has fast car, gets fined regularly (always teetering on points limit). I have slow putt-putt car, never get fines ever, no points. It's not a coincidence.

  • None….

  • +1

    280,000km a year and no fines here.

    Good thing your wife has already wiped out 9 of her allotted demerit points, 4 more and she wont have a license.

    • No point for driving unregistered vehicles (in NSW only?)

  • I had to do court observation a couple of years ago for a uni assignment, and one of the cases I observed was a lady who was there contesting a traffic offence. I don't remember what it was, probably something small like a minor speeding fine, but the judge ended up letting her off because of her impeccable record. This lady hand't had a single traffic offence since she got her licence in 1970, that's over 40 years of flawless driving! I'm still impressed…

  • Funny you should ask as I received one in the mail today :(

    • for unregistrated?

      • Speeding fine.

  • none,

    Why are you paying the fines?

    • Good point. Understand fines are supposedly to be a punishment to act as lesson to the offender.
      Wife only works part time to spend (on herself/kid) on things that I do not agree to pay (things I see as waste of money, eg make up).
      She takes great care of our child during the week, I do not want her to go around without reasonable amount of money. Told her to save but end up passive aggressive every time. She said yes but she would buy organic/grain fed beef and Lego few times a week. Her wallet is always full … of receipts and little cash.
      I could not stand so end up paying for things - what can I do?

      • Wife only works part time to spend (on herself/kid) on things that I do not agree to pay

        like say a traffic ticket?

        Put your foot down. I seriously doubt the kids are going to starve.

  • Speeding. Twice. Consecutive days. No excuse. Learned my lesson. Drive according to the limit.

  • +1

    0 here.
    For me it's like this: pay fines or use that amount to buy something else …
    Instead of 300$ fine, might as well buy a damn phone/dishwasher/bike or whatever.

    Slow and steady my friend.

  • +1

    Learning on the streets from non-professional drivers is a key reason why we have so many accidents, pay so much for basic enforcement, and sometimes kill ourselves whilst operating dangerous vehicles. I've not met many driving instructors that can drive a car properly. They seem at odds with the effort, a bit like many taxi drivers (but seldom truck and bus drivers, etc.)

    Perhaps offer her $1000 budget to:

    • pay fines for the next year, and eventually run out of points and lose her license, or
    • do a driver training course to remove the confusion she might be suffering whilst operating a vehicle and managing chores and children. Once she is at one with the car, she may just notice what is going on around her more, see the signs, exercise caution effectively and avoid a serious accident (and you wishing you'd noticed the warning signs arriving in the mail).
    • Good thinking. I did a defensive driving course.myslef and found it useful. $300+ is a bit of investment for personal use. From experiences, she do not take very well with my driving advice, so getting the professional to fine tune her skill will be an option - anyone spot a special?

  • 20% so far is Every 1 out of 5 cars sit anytime in front of a traffic light receive traffic fine in the last 12 month.

    Do you think people are too careless driving?
    Too easy to receive fines nowadays?

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