Sydneysiders Now in Melbourne - Questions for You

For Sydneysiders who recently moved to Melbourne (or planning to move to other state)

Based on articles all over the web and statistics, lots of Sydney young couples moved to Melbourne to potentially live a better living.……

*Do you now own a property to live in Melbourne? Which area? How much (if I may ask)
*Were you employed before moving to Melbourne? if unemployed, how long did it take you to secure a job? Hows the job market there now?
*Are you happy? Stress less? Sleep better? :)

I have been living in Sydney for at least 14 years now and have been renting all these time. Me and my wife have collected enough money to afford a 2-3 bedroom house in Melbourne (I heard Maidstone, VIC is great for young couple). We will be having our first baby in about 3 months time and we certainly cannot afford to have a house in current Sydney housing market.

Looking forward to hear your stories.



  • +2

    If you tell us you house budget, we would be able to give more specific information in regard to area.

    • im looking for around 500 - 600k budget, the lower the better of course.

  • +1

    Maidstone isn't bad, very ethnic. That has historically been somewhat problematic. There are 'better' areas a similar distance from the CBD?

    Some questions for you…..if that's OK
    How much are you looking to spend?
    What must you have? What would you like? Are you looking to drive daily? Do you like being near the water or happy with the concrete jungle? What do you like doing? sports? eating out? is space important? noise?

    or tell us where you like in Sydney and we'll match it down here in Mexico !

    • +1

      I like the harbour, the bridge and the opera house.

      • You'll need to look north of the CBD, and a bit of a ways out of town.

    • haha thanks mate.

      I currently live in inner Syndey, specifically in Pyrmont 2009, lots of parks, water and cafes.

      around 500-600k budget.

      I'm a public transport kinda guy.
      safe neighbourhood is preferred of course.
      concrete jungle is fine with us, we enjoy outside/beach but dont mind weekend couchpotatoing.
      not noisy for sure.
      i like sports and eating out too.

      for the space, we prefer a house or if we have to a townhouse/terrace house (we currently live in terrace house in Pyrmont)

  • +1

    I moved down in december last year. Haven't looked back since.
    I do not own a property (down here). (Mod edit)
    I was not employed when I moved down. Found a job easy enough, changed jobs a few times since, but it's a different market to Sydney down here. Pay is a bit less. It took abut a month to get properly settled in. (My first jobs were very crappy though).
    Life is much better down here. Less stress, friendlier people, better city layout, awesome transport, crazy weather :)

    Beaches are lacking here, and the winters are colder, but most places have heating so it's really not that bad…
    Plenty of OzB opportunities down here too!

    • hats off to you mate. I have been to Melb few times and I love it, but not too sure if just because I was on holiday mood.

      Rent is way cheaper there right? What industry are you on if I may ask?

      Yeah I used to live in Adelaide for few years, well organised city and grid like melbourne. Sydney CBD is bit chaotic and the bus noise is too damn high!

      That famous Melbourne 4 season in a day thing, im sure you'll get used to it. right?

      • +1

        Rent is cheaper. For then same rent I was paying in Sydney, I'm closer to the city, have a much more modern apartment, even has a pool and sauna!
        I work in financial services (which is much smaller down here, and pays less).
        I like the 4 seasons in a day. I still don't own an umbrella because I know in 5 minutes I won't need it!

  • +1

    Have a look at Altona - as near to the water as you can get

    • i'll check it out, thanks!

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