Travel Insurance for Holidaying in Australia

Hi all.

Is it worth getting travel insurance for holidaying in Australia.

Family member is flying jetstar to QLD. I thought that it may be worth getting insurance just in case jetstar cancel their flight which may cause problems with the holiday.


  • Did your family member pay on a credit card that offers insurance?

    • No. They don't have one of those cards.

      • In that case I'd say yes.

        Their health insurance (please tell me they have private health insurance and ambo cover) will cover any accidents etc.

        Should they get stranded because of Jetstar it will be Jetstar's problem.

        If they are hiring a car it is usually a good idea to have additional insurance.

        • They have health insurance. They are hiring a yacht for a week. I think there are 8 of them.

    • Credit card that offers travel insurance only for international travel, not for Australia :)

  • Try TID

    • I will check them out.

  • The only time I get it, is when I hire a car, as you can get travel insurance for a week the same price as the excess costs for one day.

    • +1

      It may be a good idea then because they are hiring a yacht for the week.

      • yes - this
        like a hire car they probably have a damage excess
        pick an insurance that covers this

  • Are you family members overseas?

    • No. They are in Melb and flying to Qld and hiring a yacht.

  • Travel insurance, don't leave home without it :)

  • Aust Post Travel Insurance was the best priced option for us when we were wanting it for hire car excess reduction. I travel away from home a couple of times a month, so it made sense to take the annual option, which wasn't terribly much more expensive anyway.

  • I had some guests staying recently that got trapped in the lift with their bags going home interstate. They missed their plane home and had to buy new tickets. I've never bought interstate travel insurance but they had and they claimed over $1K. I've never bought it, but it got me thinking.

  • I have been taking travel insurance for domestic trip as well mostly to help cover excess of car rental but also it would cover any bagage loss or unexpected cancellations etc due to delays.
    I have tried Worldcare I found they were quite cheap for the value they offer. I use to search for available insurance and then I google to find others that may not be on the comparator gives me few options to look at.

  • Thank you all. It looks like insurance is a must.

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