What's the weirdest interview question you've ever been asked?

Hey fellow ozbargainers. As the title says: what's the weirdest interview question you've ever been asked? It seems like in this day and age, a lot of companies tend to be more creative with what they ask interview candidates. I guess the age-old 'What animal would you choose to be and why' is no longer a preferable question to ask (and probably because everyone gives similar answers relating to power, freedom, etc). Looking forward to reading some quirky questions :P


  • "Describe your wildest pony-related fantasy and how you would feel, if I made it come true." O.O

  • Why are manholes round.

    tests the way you think apparently.

    • +1

      i heard it was so it couldn't fall into its own hole.

      the hell did i just say?

    • There are many reasons.
      1. Round shape will not fall in.
      2. Humans are round.(cross section)
      3. Easier to roll, if you need to move.
      4. Economics, circle is the most optimal shape to have the largest least diameter ( go decipher this), so least amount of metal.

      BTW, manholes are rectangular too, some even hinged at the two sides. However, the metal strength over time decreases, and hinges may need to be replaced. Cheaper to have round manholes.

  • How weird are you on a scale of 1 to 10, and why?

    I think it's to find out how honest are you. If you say 1, then its a lie.

  • +1

    If you found yourself naked on top of a mountain what would you do? (Management job in IT, Syd).

    • Check if my backup mobile phone in my bag has a signal?

    • Yell "I'm king of the world! Woohoo!"

    • +1

      If I found myself on top of a mountain. - I'd be really confused because then there would be two of me.

    • nowadays people get more and more pressure from anywhere, it will be the most comfortable way to be nated in nature I guess…

  • Also, weirdest question I heard when a friend was being interviewed for a job - " so when you were a Russian engineer programming missile trajectories, did you program any ICBM's to point to Australia?" He said "no", so he got the job :) (Database Administrator).

  • what is your limit?

  • "Which of these would you rather be; an eagle, a panda, a cow, or a lion?"

  • Wow. I honestly can't believe some of the questions you guys are asked. I'm the kind of person that calls a spade a spade, so if I got asked some of these questions they'd probably be shocked at my answer which would be something like "what's the point of asking that?". Oh well :)

  • Do you even lift??

  • Interview at woolworths -
    What airport u first landed when first came to australia - i told the (profanity) this is not relevant to the job i applied for and walked out -

    • +1

      What an odd question. Was it a roundabout way to find out where you were from? She could have been trying to make small talk to get you to relax.

      • +1

        I think more like memory and attention to detail.

  • overheard this at work one day

    after an interview, the people on the panel were pissing themselves laughing, so I asked what happened

    turns out, one of the interviewers asked the following:

    interviewer 1: so, do you have a girlfriend
    applicant: yeah
    interviewer: where did you met her?
    applicant: …….well…….at uni………
    interviewer 2 quickly interrupts and said: this job requires shift work so we just wanted to know if your family is ok with it

    interviewer 1 wasn't a Google/Facebook wannable, he is just single and desperate :)

  • My hardest question was pretty simple: What motivates you? The intention of this question is so that they know how to motivate me.

    I thought it is hard because the obvious answer: money. I applied that job for a better pay, although that is not the only reason, that is the main reason.

    Sure, if the job is to work for Google, perhaps I have different motivation.

    Some of other weird/hard questions are:
    How many branches or payphone or taxi are there in Australia? Can you explain your guesstimate?
    It's not necessarily hard if you DON'T know the answer, but it is hard if you already knew the answer.

  • i tell people "i don't answer questions" at the start of interviews.

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