Feedback on Daughters Website -

Hey guys,

My friends daughter (14 years old) recently started a blog on cake recipes and other tasty morsels, at the moment it is just a hobby, but she is putting quite a bit of time on it in terms of taking photos and creating new recipes.

Personally I am not very good with websites either but I have found that getting real feedback is the best way to improve. I believe she is using wordpress at the moment.

By the way the recipes are seriously good, I tried the Cherry Ripe cake and it was on point!

If you had time I would really appreciate any feedback you can provide on how she can improve the site, also can post any comments you may have to her directly on her website. I know she would really appreciate the support. :)



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  • I feel depressed knowing 14 years old kid can make this good website while me at my middle adult and can't do shit.
    fml (FartMeLife)

    • I feel like just going through the comments makes me feel like anyone can make a cool website.

      Everyone here is soo supportive

      • You got one of the best community in the world.
        Youtube or 4 chan community sometimes is just too immature and un-educated
        I reckon OZbargain is kind of reddit

        • +1

    • Haha trust me it really isn't that hard once you watch all the YouTube videos and stuff. I bet you could do it :)

  • +1

    Images need to be compressed so the website loads faster, the image of yourself to the right took about a year to load due to its size.

    • Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't notice. How do I compress a image without ruining it's quality or size?

      • Thats not possible, when compressing, you will lose both.

        • Oh. But how am I supposed to have good looking photos and a quick loading website at the same time?

        • @cakeshelf: Good hosting!

        • +1

          @cakeshelf: You find a balance between size/compression and quality. At the moment that image is 5,472px × 3,648 (really really huge). When it's displayed on your site, it's scaled down to 1,261px × 841px. So as a start, just try re-sizing it to 1,261px × 841px. That should bring the size down considerably.

        • @eides: Thankyou for this! I'll try it later today.

  • I kind of want some cake now. :/

    • So do I haha

  • Great, well done kiddo :)

    • Thankyou!

  • Fantastic site and a great idea.
    I am more of a taste tester/sampler than a baker - but I will try to get my kids to check your site out in hopes it will inspire them.
    I would say that people will visit your site for the recipes, but they will follow you for who you are.
    Showing some of your personality (which you do well) is the key to getting a regular following.
    In this vein, have you considered a youtube channel?
    Wish you the best and will definitely try some of your recipes.

    • Oh, and I hope to see you on Great Australian Bake-Off if it ever happens again (or maybe just move to the UK and go on the British one - which I love).

    • Thankyou so much! Taste testing is one of the best parts!
      I hope your kids are inspired to start baking because it's such a rewarding hobby. I mean, who doesn't love cake?!

  • -2

    She should have a domain.

    • What is the point and why?

      • -2

        If you don't know the answer
        then that proves my point.
        Next time, keep it to yourself.

        • "Who is eligible for a and Domain Name?

          All Australian businesses, whether a company, business, registered body, owner, applicant of a registered trade mark or simply own a registered business name are eligible for a and Domain Name. You can get as many as you like."


        • -1

          @Linkiepoo: she must not like Australians.

  • -1

    I would be careful about accepting advice from random people on this site
    as everyone is a self proclaimed "expert" or "genius".

    • Just like you? Saying they need a ?

      • -1

        If this is Australia?
        Are you experienced about websites?

        • You tell me? Is this a business? So you are pretty much saying, op should go and get a ABN number?

  • Oops, the site not working for me anymore?

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