• expired

Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy 6 Blu-Rays $13.97 Delivered from JB Hi-Fi (or $21.98 for 2)


Saw a big price drop on this item just then. Was $55.99 now $12.98, or 2 for $20. Postage is $0.99. No pick up available.

A bit of description:

Contains all 3 Star Wars parody Blu-Rays: Blue Harvest, Something Something Something Darkside and It's A Trap. A must have collection for Family Guy and Star Wars fans alike.

Almost 1/2 price since last time it was posted.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +2

    I love these three; but they are so wrong.

    • Touche … in every way. +1*

  • Love these.

  • Something something good deal.

    Even better if it included iTunes download.

    • I can't read the stickers on the box .. says 6 disc - must be Blu and DVD pack?

      • Looked up sanity and ezydvd, no clearer picture there but does seem to be BD/DVD. As for digital download, might be Ultraviolet, but not sure if the codes have expired. Bought my set from the UK with UK iTunes digital copy.

        • IIRC mine was iTunes codes, not Ultraviolet.
          Pretty sure I have an actual downloaded copy from it.

          Edit: Although if it WAS a code, may have expired after these 5yrs.

  • I paid $13 for something something dark side alone. This is superb value for an incredible parody.

  • bought! thanks op! jump on this ASAP. this will probably get OZB in the next hr or two!

  • Bugger - they've expanded the 2 for $20 sale, but removed some titles. American Sniper and Interstellar bluray were part of the deal, not only the DVD versions are.

    • American Sniper and Interstellar are/were part of the buy one get one free sale. So technically it's 2 for $20 but they might appear in a different special?

      • Yeah my bad, it was the 'buy one get one free' sale

  • Thanks Scotty, but gone already!

  • Big fan of this trilogy and I got Million ways to die in the West to go with it.

  • Two Christmas presents sorted. Cheers Op!

  • Available - 22/12/10.
    What's that about?

    • +1

      The Blu-Ray boxset has been available since Dec 2010.

      • +1

        No worries, thought it might have been an old link. lol

  • +1

    Good deal.
    It's actually 3 Bluray, 3 DVD and the digital download code.

  • +2

    I just tried to order, says it's out of stock.

  • Noooo! It's gone! :(

  • Double Nooooooooo!

  • Aw; looks like I am too late too. Thank you for posting though.

    "Page not found …. The page you were after has lived a good and happy life, but now it is no longer with us … "

    Oh well; at least we were lucky with the blu ray "Back To The Future" triple set.


  • Seems unnecessary they put each episode on a single blu ray disc. If they can fit a flawless transfer of Lawrence Of Arabia on a single Blu-Ray, they can fit more than one episode of a cartoon on. Just a marketing gimmick to seem like you're getting more.

    • Or, they only needed to master three BDs, not four?

  • Any one else still waiting for delivery?

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