Driving Instructor - Anyone Held This Role before?

Hi guys,

There is a background story which I will skip to keep this simple.

I've been shortlisted to 1:1 interviews with an established driving instructor company.

So I'm keen to hear from those who have worked as a Driving Instructor (preferably with an established brand as opposed to self established). Or even someone else you know doing it.

They pay for the $4500 Cert IV needed to be a licensed driving instructor and they did a good job in assuring their ability to secure the hours I'd need to make the role worthwhile financially.

I'm aware of the basics, get a lease vehicle, add passenger-side pedals (is this part a tax deduction?) and the pay rates etc. My final interview is next week when I will have quite a few questions to ask, just seeing what I can find out in the mean time.

Thanks in advance.


  • Sorry I can't help, but curious how do they protect their $4500 investment in training you?

    Are you under contract for a year or 2?

    • Can't answer that one yet myself, it's something I'm curious to find out during the 1:1 interview though.

  • +1

    If it's with a company you have to factor in the petrol, insurance, maintenance. Unless this is paid for by the company. You might as well be a private instructor as you will be keeping the full payment you get from students.

    • Yeah it is with a company, maintenance, petrol and insurance were mentioned at the group interview as being our expense so that's going to play heavy in the car decision should I go forward with this.

      I have thought about the private instructor idea but thought this would be good exposure to the industry for now and consider that option later.

      Keep the comments coming guys :)

  • What is the pay/salary like mate?

    • Well 26 hrs in the car translates to around $1350. Then there are the above expenses, pretty much all tax deductible though I believe.

      I'm asking the question because I'm expecting to be offered another role today, completely different job, high responsibility, lower pay but absolute job security.

      • 26 hours over 5 working days? With 2 days off? Not bad at all mate.
        Is that if you work for yourself and not a company though?

        • 26 hours in the car, unsure how much paperwork the role requires outside the car, also somewhat inconvenient hours being (I'm guessing here) early mornings before 9AM, aternoon 5-830PM and heavily over the weekends. Although yes, that's with a company not working for myself.

          So the potential earnings are there but unsure about the 2 days off, in reality it's probably spread over 7 days most weeks. Certainly I can reject days but unlikely I would have the control to make them up in the days convenient to me then. Working for myself is another story but I'd rather not do that until I test the waters with a company, who knows I could hate this work.

          I do have years of training background, just in other areas not driving so I have the patience required (I think).

        • @Click_It:

          Is it guaranteed 26hours in the the car, or up to/average?

        • @Ughhh:

          That's my #1 question at next weeks interview. Because that's exactly what the banks will want to know when I approach them for a home loan.

          I'm betting the answer is no, so despite it being advertised as full time permanent employment, it's essentially casual employment - I could be wrong but I don't know how they could make such a guarantee, especially at the start of employment?

          Once established in the role I'm confident the hours will "average" 26, and possibly more if I'm hungry for it.

          Yeah the more I thought about this role, it's certainly gotta be casual employment. I can't see how they can do it any other way.

          So… for someone who needs the $$$ ASAP to get the new home loan approved, maybe this isn't the best course of action. Unfortunately the other role I can take pays a 15-20k less than I need for loan approval.

        • @Ughhh:

          Managed to have a quick chat with them on the phone today. It's essentially sub-contracting. Now I'm losing interest… Been there done that, don't really want to work under the ABN anymore.

        • @Click_It:

          Thanks for the update. That sucks but it makes more sense.

        • @Ughhh:

          Will be calling them Monday to say I'm not coming for the interview. Happy to explain why should they ask, but their pay structure is unlikely to be changed, nor my decision.

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