Cheapest Price WWE 2K16 - PS4

Hey guys/girls since I haven't seen any deals about prices for WWE 2K16 which comes out tomorrow (29th October) I was just wondering who had the best price for the game? I have pre-ordered it through EB and will ask them to price match. The lowest I've seen so far is $79 at JB HI FI.


  • Join the bandwagon ….hunting for $68-69

  • Target has been awfully quiet on the pricing front, my guess is they'll have it for $68. (I'm hoping anyway, otherwise $79 @ Big W with the extra DVD will have to do.)

  • Apparently target isn't selling this particular title, so your best bet will be Big W @ $79 with the bonus DVD.

  • Does Big W include the Bonus Terminator DLC?

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