How to buy Internet?


I'm moving into a boarding house that has no internet, so need to get my own. Not sure how much data I need… But we're off to ask about plans, though don't want to get into contracts as I'm not sure how long I'll be at boarding house. Would it be best to go ask about it at Telsta/Optus, and then get a better idea of what I need, and compare plans online? That way I'd be comparing smaller providers too.

Also someone suggested buying mobile data, and hot spotting it from the phone? Would that end up costing a lot more? I think I'm after a portable modern, one that I bring around with me perhaps - depending on costs. Would buying internet + a phone plan (short contracts) be cheaper if I got it from the same provider?

What would you recommend?

Thanks :)


  • Hot spot from your primary phone is only recommended when you have an unlimited or high data mobile plan, but that doesn't really exist in Australia anymore. You can get a usb modem (good for one device), or a wifi portable modem (can connect up to 5 devices), or even a spare phone that does hotspots and select a prepaid mobile broadband plan such as voda 25GB $90 or Bendigo 20GB $80. Otherwise if your area is covered then vividwireless can be considered as well, it’s $79 a month with unlimited data and no contact.

  • +1

    You mean a school boarding house? I think it is very unlikely it doesn't have internet.

    • One of the boys was/is addicted to online gaming and p*rn - hence it's BYO.

  • Can you not join one of the other members wifi and pay them a portion?

  • Optus has released new plans today - $70 for 50GB / month

    Not bad for a mobile broadband.…

  • Go with buying a phone + internet plan, but for the long term + prepayment package. Because many companies offer extra discount in term of extended validity for internet usage when you purchase for more than 1 year as well as do payment in advance.

    • +1

      Not sure how long I'll be there. Atm I've got a 2gb starter box and 2.6gb on the phone. We'll see how we go. :)

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