Information Recorder Application?

Is there any application or program out there that enables you to create custom data fields and fill them in. Then this data syncs across your device eg. Phone and computer. This would be nice to keep track of my money and etc…


  • When you say keep track of your money, would an Excel spreadsheet stored in Microsoft OneDrive solve your problem? Similar solutions exist in the Google ecosystem too.

    • Well im aware that i can create a excel spreadsheet to store the data, however i want the data to sync and to be easily accessible. Also data being secure as possible. I dont think the google ecosystem would be easily accessible tho. I just want to mindlessly punch in numbers in an app and im done.

      • Pretty sure it is that simple; both have apps, web browser access and you can store and edit them on your PC, so that covers the sync/accessibility part:


        As for security, that bits up to you and your strong password and 2 factor authentication.

        Otherwise you just need a notes app like Evernote but the free version is pretty limited these days.

        • That is a solution, but it would be much better if it had dedicated app like hello expense. To add, subtract, multiply etc. with the excel app is too cumbersome.

          There's quite a good few phone apps, but like the OP I've yet to find one that works on desktop as I much rather input data on a pc.

    • looking for the free ones.

  • I haven't tried and hasn't been update since May, but if you'd want to give it a try…

    Another one might be worth trying…

    This one isn't free but looks to be the best

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