Loan Motorcycle Lowsided - Advice Please

Hi all, hoping for some advice from the community

Was on a loaner Japanese dirtbike type motorcycle, when dropping off my bike for service - signed a document saying that any damage from any cause I am liable for payment $2000
Didn't think too much about it, no pre inspection pictures and took off
Bike felt a little bit dingy, rear brake lever and gear shift felt a bit twisted in (from previous accidents probably),general scratches throughout handlebars and clutch/brake levers on the edges

Low sided over a metal train track crossing it perpendicularly on R, got some road rash at ~20km/h
Bike had a few scratches on exhaust cover but a big dent (I didn't notice before) and some scratches on the R foot peg, general scratches around
Still rode normally, returned end of the day - stated I had a low side
After inspection stated - blinker lights, foot peg, rear brake lever, front mud guard, front suspension fork scratched up - will need to be assessed/repaired/replaced after they look at it in the work shop
Gumtree value of similar brand/age bike - $4000

Queried that given the general disrepair of the bike, hard, cracked tyres; could this have contributed to fall;
"If you felt the bike wasn't safe you should not have gotten on it"
"We think its road worthy, it can't be scratch free as its a loan bike"
"You have to be returning it back in in condition it was in" - dealer had no vehicle report condition of bike prior either so taking it on their word
"We will get an assessment, and you have to trust us on this as well like you did with your bike here"

One of the blokes got obviously frustrated with my questions on how you would be repairing each scratch back to its usual state as it was obviously in disrepair, one of the staff asked if it was the first time low sided before and other member replied "on that side yes" - brought someone else out to essentially say the same thing. One of the last comments were
"I wouldn't be surprised if the damage is over $2000, the cost of the ?tuning fork/suspension bar is a whole lot" - essentially few scratches on the bottom of the fork

Eventually paid up as I wouldn't be able to leave otherwise

Admit I made a mistake but I think given the general look of the bike that it probably wasn't worth a $2000 dollar repair which is probably upcoming given the conversation

What should I do next

Poll Options

  • 10
    Cop it as an expensive $2000 dollar mistake
  • 0
    trust the dealer that they would not excessively replace parts and await partial refund
  • 1
    Ask for an independent assessment of the bike ( not sure if theyd agree)
  • 8
    Seek further legal action


  • +1

    I would wait to see what they come back with. They probably were just trying to get you to stop talking. Don't worry about stuff before it happens.

  • +4

    if you have already paid up (as i think i read it), you are pretty well fu c ked

    • but do get a copy of the document you signed

      it would be illegal for them to charge you $2000 if you broke a $500 exhaust (for example)

      • Thanks - I feel as described
        They will claim to refund whatever is unused, however based on the last comment made by staff, I don't think ill see anything back
        I will probably provide feedback to main brand governing the dealership, also further reading regarding cracked tyres it appears decreased grip substantially - they might chime in on this

  • Burn them down

  • bikies

  • When ever I rent cars I always inspect the car and take photos of any issues and point out things to them on inspection to place on file!
    Guess it's lesson learnt

  • you can still take this up with fair trading but the nsw one is not helpful; lot of hassle; some businesses are not ethical

  • +1

    Do most of your own work from now on and avoid further angst. I find it hard to believe it could be any worse than work, if actually done, done by these incompetent fools.

    Comment from someone who rides and does most of their own work (they change tyres) because of previous experience with said incompetent fools arsetrickery.

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