Any Health Insurance (for Non Resident) Experts among Us?

My partner is arriving in Australia on Thursday.

Currently he has a 6 month Tourist Visa, and we are going to prepare and submit our Partnership Visa application while he is here, at which time he will then transfer to a Bridging Visa. He will be ineligible for Medicare etc, until we get the PV.

I have not been required to provide Health Insurance for him, however, I thought I would look at the possibility - just in case.

So far I have looked at Medibank, and their basic Visitor Health Insurance is $120 a month. I suspect most other insurers would be around that figure. Not a lot of competition in Health insurance from what I can see, their mantra seems to be charge what the market will bear and then some!

Beginning to think it might be better just to pay the full fee at the doctor if he needs to go at any time. He was here for 7 months last visit, and had two doctors visits plus some antibiotics, with a total cost of about $150 all up. However, if for some reason he had a serious accident or something, then the costs are going to skyrocket.

Bit of a dilemma for me.

Any ideas or suggestions?


  • Well, Medibank is overpriced
    You haven't explored this Visitor Non-Working Visa by HIF
    I think you can get the most basic one (Visitor Saver) for < $100 a month

    If your partner visits GP frequently, try the Visitor Value (around ~$100), it covers visits to GP as well.

    All kinds of information are there on the website and their CS is very helpful as well.
    Easy to claim too! (if you opt for any extras)

    HIF is a bit cheaper because they claim that they are members-run and not-for-profit organisation

    • Thank you for the information. I will check it out.

  • Bupa had one of the cheapest visitor cover when I checked last time

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