How Consumer Friendly and Effective Is The Financial Services Ombudsman?

Early last November the inside of our house was damaged by the effects of a major hail storm.

Long story short, since lodging the claim the day after the event I have interacted with insurer three times. Each time it was me calling them, asking what was happening. Each time, lotsa "gunnas" and "I am very sorry that has happened" phrases. And subsequently each time, nothing except the first time when I sent a team to dry the house out.

I wrote a letter to the CEO of the insurer four weeks ago, but have not even had the courtesy of an acknowledgement.

I'm now thinking I need to take it to the next level. Has any one had dealings with the financial services ombudsman and has it been effective, or would I be better off handing matters to a lawyer?


  • I believe you need to have gone through the insurer's internal complaints resolution process first before they will review your complaint at the ombudsman level.

    Have you written to or contacted the complaints area of your insurer already? There will usually be a section about complaints and where to address them to in the product disclosure booklet for you relevant policy.

    • Thanks,
      I'll follow that up

      Just went to their website; the email address for complaints is the same as the one I have been using to contact them prior to calling; I would email, wait a day or two, no reply and then phone.

  • +2

    FOS is fantastic to work with. Insurers are scum and do everything possible to avoid paying claims, including ignoring correspondence (as you are experiencing).

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