Unlimited ADSL (Some Thoughts about TPG and Dodo)

I'm on dodo's unlimited plan right now. Shifted from $40 off contract to $30 contracted to 24 months.

I've been with them for a while and overall they are fine for what they are. You do get a slight slowdown from 3pm to about 9pm but what do you expect? They will oversell and that shows in peak.

I was with TPG for ages before that and they were fine too but at the time it was costing me $60 so moving to $40 for essentially the same service was a no brainer, for $30 there's no reason for TPG to exist.

I did a bit of due diligence before I moved to Dodo given their reputation. I accessed a Dodo ADSL networks in a few areas and conducted some adhoc speed tests and they seemed fine.

I'm wondering how low or 'better' it can be. Will be see cheaper and faster unlimited? What is NBN going to do for me?

I'm not sure who else does unlimited and to what price any more. I believe Clubtelco is a part of Dodo and they're a part of the M2 group.

There are some horrible stories about Dodo incompetance on the WP forum but I also beleive that if you dont have line issues you will be largely ok.

A good service provider is one that will help you when things go wrong. Dodo isnt one of those, you're on your own mostly.

I have an issue with non youtube video traffic isnt super hot especially during peak but that's not a huge issue, 90% of the time you'd be on youtube or netflix or something like that.

I kind of feel that people here dont care about 'unlimited'. As in this is as good as it gets and the providers feel no one is asking for it?


  • +1 for clubtelco.. $40 unlimited, never had to ring them.

  • Ha. I pay three times that for 500gb on Telstra. It is noticeably slower during school holidays.
    Bring on the NBN so I can get some competition.

  • I'm trying to decide whether to use Dodo or some other never-heard-of them provider right now. We're in a "regional" (or "off-net") area where you can only get Telstra wholesale, so every ISP is higher priced and you can't go "naked" (you have to pay line rental). I don't want our service to go to shit in the evening, but I have no idea which ISP would or wouldn't do that.

    The ones I know of with unlimited here are:
    Dodo, MyNetFone , Ausbbs, Everynet, Clubtelco, Eftel, aanet, and Engin.

    With prices ranging from 60$ to 90+ .And I'm pretty sure most of those run on the same network. But how do I know?

    • You can ask on whirlpool forums for details of the networks.
      In your situation we just went with Telstra, even though I hate them. We buy the cheapest line rental and a 500gb plan. We get some voip calls from mynetfone so the occasional landline call doesn't ruin us.

      • Sadly Telstra is literally five times the price of Dodo, at 300$ per month for unlimited. I did ask on Whirlpool and that's how I found out about those ISPs, but nobody has information about congestion/speeds.

  • Before you sign-up with Dodo have a look at the Whirlpool site.


    • +1

      Be aware that you only get the bad stories there. Look, I'm quite happy to slag off just about every provider I've ever touched but for people like myself, I generally do not have a bad time of it, I'm a network engineer so I know exactly what they're doing and I dont need their help at all on my side. However for most of them, they provide what they sell… dodo sells the cheapest unlimited megabytes out there.

      • Completely agree with this, I find whirlpool to be incredibly unreliable when you're looking for unbiased reports. And a lot of the time, its perpetuating an old reputation. I'm with Dodo ADSL2 on the same plan as OP and so far have found them fine, download speeds are pretty stellar but I think thats mostly because I'm in a relatively new area that has a lot of schools (my theory anyway), so perhaps its a better infrastructure (even though the exchange is apparently quite far).

        I've had to contact them regarding Telstra outages and they happily refund me for days when the service is inaccessible, so no real complaints.

        Edit: That said, I can confirm I get some crappy lag when going to some not-so-mainstream streaming that is sometimes faster if I use my 4g. In general though, the biggest thing that impacted my performance was getting a fancy new router - huge quality of life improvement.

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