Building contractors working weekend and bank holiday - will Banyule council care?

Hey all

Got development going next door.
Building contractors worked weekend and bank holiday.
They did when demolishing the old house as well

Complained to council previously, no reply
Large Earth mover demolishing house Sat / Sun
Other times beyond 6pm

tree felling on site for at least 2 Sundays.
Contractor said they were told to do it or not be paid

Sat/Sunday/Monday this weekend
Earth mover digging foundations Sat to 5pm; Sun to 4:30
Monday steel cutter, earth mover drilling - just left 4:15

Spoke to contractor / builder / owner and asked him (nicely) to avoid working the long weekend, couldn't give a s**t
He told me it will go on for about 4 months and they will work most Saturdays. I suspect that means Sunday as well.
Seems like a family thing, as a few of them (including women) come and sit around for lunch. So might be doing a lot of it in 'spare time'
Probably work over Easter weekend just to really do my head in.

Found this on epa site…
However, if a residential construction site makes loud noise on a Sunday or late Saturday, this might be considered unreasonable noise under section the EP Act. This might be the case where work has carried on for many days, or a contractor is routinely doing noisy Sunday work to make up for lost time.

Seem like I do have a leg to stand on.

I am going to make an official complaint to the council if they don't give me anything worth while
Has anybody complained about something similar and got anywhere?
What council was it? Banyule experiences would be great to hear about

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  • You can contact the police for noise, as this is not the right time to make such a noise.

    • They can make the noise, the following are the 'rules'.

      Monday to Friday: before 7 am and after 8 pm.
      Weekends and public holidays: before 9 am and after 8 pm.

      They are within these guidelines, but repeated weekends is considered unreasonable as I said above.
      It comes down to what is reasonable

  • It seems like they are working within the council rules. If that is the case there isn't much you can do unfortunately.

  • +1

    To be honest, i would rather them get on with the construction quickly. Once they get past the initial stage of the construction, noise shouldn't be too bad.

    As long as there are starting too early on weekends.

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