Using Android Phone as Music Receiver (Alternative to Chromecast)

Hi all, I have an old Samsung Galaxy S (the first generation of Galaxy series) and would like to use it as music receiver (connected to a speaker). Yes I understand it will be easier just to buy Chromecast Audio for around $50 but I have this phone laying around and I have a spare speakers.

Currently I get it working using BubbleUPNP on both devices and it runs alright. The only drawback is I can play music only through Bubble UPNP which limits me to just local storage and Google Music. I would like to be able to play from Spotify too. I heard about CheapCast but it doesn't appear to be available in Australia's Play Store.

Any suggestion? Thank you very much.

Edit: I forgot that I can install Spotify on it and control it from other device. So Spotify is sorted now. Which I guess cover all my needs. But still if someone knows an app that actually turn an Android device into a Chromecast (Audio) that will be interesting to hear. Thanks.


  • Google CheapCast apk…problem solved.

    • I thought cheapcast support died??

      • +1

        Saw it in Play Store yesterday, so I guess it's back…
        Haven't tried it yet.

    • Thanks for the video … I'll check it out tonight.

  • the easiest solution is to root your phone and install Xposed , then use audio cast in the bubbleupnp, it solves all problems.

    • Yeah, was thinking that too … but will that works from any music player? Thanks.

      • I canot say it works for all apps, but I didnot find any problems with the music player apps I have used so far

        • and this audio cast needs to be enabled on both "client" and "server"? Because my phone (the one that is NOT attached to the speaker) is not root-ed yet.

  • no configuration needed on the renderer side, just enable audiocast and run app . it's a bit like blutooth audio.

    • Ok thanks. Then I have a problem because in my case the renderer devices that is rooted and have xposed installed.

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