How to Secure a Motorbike Against Theft

Hey guys, I am about to buy a motorbike and I am looking at cheap and easy ways to protect it against theft. The bike will be parked under a carport and passersby will be able to see it (quiet residential area).

I looked into GPS tracking devices, but they look expensive or hard to put into place. Also looked into alarmed disk locks but I am afraid that it will go off at random times for no reasons.

If you have some ideas or experience with motorbike security devices that you find useful, please share them with me.
Thank you very much.

EDIT: Thank you very much everyone for all your comments, I read everything with a lot of interest. I ended up getting:
- a Xena XX6 alarmed disk lock so I can also use it when I am on the move (about a $110 delivered)
- a third party insurance (+fire theft) with AAMI, which is very reasonable (around $200, didn't look at other insurance)
- I am looking into getting a thick chain to attach the bike to the carport
- get a car to park me in during the night when possible
- put the bike with steering lock in a way that it would have to be lifted to be moved

Really appreciate that so many people took the time to reply. Cheers!


  • I used one of these -…

    With one of these -…

    The stronghold anchor was installed in my garage & was also used to secure my jetski. Both were highly recommended on all the motorcycle forums i read shen researching motorcycle security.

    The bike was parked each day at the rear loading dock of a WW, so still visible to the public but at high risk of being stolen as very few cars would go past. Plenty of other cars were broken into/stolen - I even had my car stolen from this very spot.

    Never had any problems with the bikes i parked here using this chain. Both bikes were brand new 1000cc Supersports… high risk of being stolen.

    At the end of the day, if they really want it they'll get it, however it will certainly deter most thiefs

  • Not sure if this has been mentioned. I've used a Tile on my bike. Very small, easy to hide and battery life over a year.

  • +1

    If someone wants to steal your bike they will steal it, no way of stopping them. Just get comprehensive insurance for peace of mind.

    Locks (chain / disk) will do nothing, most people can just lift up the locked wheel, put a wheel dolly on it and roll it away anyway.

  • +1

    SOme of the newer bikes have engine immobilizer technology on board. Disc locks have been mentioned, but don't forget to remove them before taking off, or you could look very silly and sore.

    Hi tensile chains & locks are basic protection, but don't wear the chain over your shoulder while riding or Constable Plod will have a go at you.

    Micro dot identification is good, but I'm sure the really clever thieves know how to deal with them

    My bike has an immobilizer and an under-seat alarm with wireless transmitter & gps tracking. The alarm unit is quite small, so is easy to conceal. A related issue is the battery; although it is a PITA when the battery is difficult to access, it does make it harder for thieves to disconnect it.

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