How to Deal with Loud Music in Neighbourhood?

G'day guys
One of our neighbours plays music loudly in their backyard from early morning (true! started at 8 am this morning) and still running!
It is really annoying!
Tried to inform them that we are disturbed, but literally ignored and told: You can call police!
Called police, but they said: "They obviously can play music in their backyard, but if lasts until after 11 pm, call us again!"

I am wearing ear plugs now, and it is not an one off issue actually, so any solution is appreciated ^_^


  • +2

    8 am? lol that's not early morning.

    • It is Saturday mate!

  • +1

    Play louder music.

    • Yeah +1 this. Show them what you're made of. When we moved in to our house next door were super loud. Music/talking/screaming. Ended up playing music real loud for a few days and never heard a word from them again.

  • Bikies

  • +1

    During the day would generally be considered 'reasonable' time to make noise by most people. However, most councils/police don't have rules about what are 'reasonable' times, rather that people shouldn't unreasonably disturb other people at any time.

    There is a difference between someone having an all-day BBQ party in their back yard with their mates for their birthday, and druggo's turning up their stereo every morning with maximum bass and letting it run for the next 20 hours with one song on repeat even when they leave the house for hours (which is what our neighbour would do).

    If your neighbours are disturbing you on an unreasonable and regular basis, you can complain to both the police and council. The police probably won't be too interested in coming out at lunchtime on a Sunday, but will be more responsive if it's 1am on a Tuesday. If you do report the disturbances to the police, ask the police for an 'incident number' each time so there is an official record of your complaint and a reference number for it even if the police don't attend. Out council has a ranger service that will do the same thing- you call them and report the noise, they send a guy out to see if its unreasonable and if so they'll talk to the neighbour for you. Make sure you write down time and dates for every time you call them.

    Ask your council what their procedures are for complaining about ongoing noise issues. They'll probably say that you should keep a diary listing the times, duration and nature of the disturbances and once you have out together sufficient evidence, you submit that to them and they investigate. This is where your police incident numbers and records of ringing council rangers. They will sometimes set up noise monitoring equipment at your house to test whether the disturbance exceeds the legal limits. If the noise is substantiated as being unreasonable, the council can issue fines (though will send multiple warnings first) under their EPA laws. The police can also issue warnings and eventually fines, which will be directed through the property owner.

    In our case it took more than 18 months, several 'friendly' conversations, followed by dozens of police and ranger callouts, multiple neighbours complaining to police, council and neighbours rental agency, spiteful turning off of people's power at their meters, police and council warnings to both tenant and owner, council fines, then finally the tenant was evicted (though the eviction may have been unrelated to the noise).

    So think carefully about if your neighbours are that bad, or if this might be just part of living close to other people and having some patience and tolerance for other people once in a while in exchange for their tolerance for your own behaviour every once in a while.

    • Thank heaps Glider
      Last night, called cops, yet they didn't attend! Incident number is a good point. I will ask for it and record diary table.

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