OzBargain Deals WhatsApp Group Similar to HotUKDeals

Why don't we start a WhatsApp group similar to HotUKDeals



  • The number of people in whatsapp group is very limited with only 256 members …
    Why not using TELEGRAM app with up to 5000 members :D
    If we use telegram for group, I wish sometimes we could meet up in certain place.
    Event such as ozbargain regional meeting, or even national meeting …
    Maybe companies could become sponsors of our meeting (for food, beverages, souvenirs, room rent for meeting event paid by sponsors, etc.)

    • +1

      I wish sometimes we could meet up in certain place.

      Organize it yourself!

  • That's a great idea!

    But who will start it?

  • Telegram, someone has registered OzBargain & OzBargain Bot, both post all new deals in the chat room.

    Whatsapp is a bit more complicated and requires a paid 3rd party service. The HotUKDeals post goes into it the process.

    Other than the forums, there is Facebook, G+, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest. I guess the question is do we need another medium to communicate on and what purpose would it serve that OzBargain + the others don't?

  • Good concept, but you just know that something will go wrong and people will throw their hands in the air claiming "told you so".

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