Tefal Actifry Deep Fryer

I was going to buy a standard deep fryer than saw one of these puppies.

DOes anybody own an Actifry?

Are they any good?

Standard deep fryer can be had for ~$70, Actifry >$350

Anybody know of a good deal on an Actifry?


  • My sister got one for christmas last year. The chips it makes are tasty enough I suppose, but I reckon you could get similar results just baking them in the oven.

    I'd say it's a device much like a bread maker or a sandwich press - you will use it a few times then get bored and store it in the cupboard, until you get the hankering again and repeat the process. If $350 is no big amount of money then go for it, otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.

  • I haven't heard of ActiFry before, but my parents used to own a cheap deep-fryer. It wasn't used much because it cost a small fortune to keep replacing the oil. The el-cheapo deep fryer also splattered oil everywhere, you could barely turn your back on it for 10 seconds and it was difficult to clean the lid. Extremely dangerous if you have young children around. I would never purchase another deep fryer, but the ActiFry looks interesting.

  • The Actifry uses way less oil than a deep fryer. It has health benefits but I couldnt justify the crazy price.

  • At one point I was interested in getting it, until I realise making chips is the only thing it can do… read a couple of reviews on the net that even making chips is a hit/miss sort of thing too…

    Deep fryer wastes a lot of oil too.. as it needs to be changed regularly to avoid the nasty oil smell of old oil.

    In the end, I went for a fan forced oven, which doesnt use oil at all ;)

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