Conflicting Dishwasher Safe Information On Plastic Plate

I have a plastic plate that has a picture of a dishwasher implanted into the bottom of the plate which I'd take to mean it is safe for use in dishwasher. However, there's also a sticker stuck to the bottom of that same plate (with barcode etc) that says the item is not dishwasher safe so there's conflicting info.

What would you do?. Continue to handwash (chore!) or risk it and possibly end up with warped/ ruined plated?.


  • +1

    Definitely need a poll for this kind of world changing stuff.

    • +1

      First world problems indeed.

  • Best to keep plastic plates on the top shelf, away from the element.

  • +1

    I think you would find that the plate itself as it was pressed (or whatever they do with thim) is dishwasher safe, but the printing or whatever that is on them is possibly not, hence the conflicting info you have.

  • If its a cheap plate, chuck it in, it might not last as long as with hand washing, but I'm willing to sacrifice a plate or two to the dishwasher gods for the sake of not having to hand wash.

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