Polaris/Pascal for Laptops (Wait or buy?)

Hi all, just wondering, looking to get a new laptop, mainly for architecture (rhino/cad) but possibly some light gaming. Would I just jump on something like this?


Yes I know it's out of stock

or wait for the next gen of GPUs in laptops?

I have max 1.2-1.3k budget and am preferably looking for a CPU that is decent so probably lowest I'd go is i7 6200u (I think this is a terrible CPU, it's quite sad that current gen U series is worse than my old i7 2600 that I currently am using)

Current deadline to find a laptop would be start/early of uni semester but am flexible.

Size desired: 13 inch (but I know it's a longshot as most laptops of this size dont really pack a punch). Most likely end up with a 15 inch.


  • The 15" Dell is back in stock now. Don't think it'll be worth waiting for the next gen at the moment, as the pricing will likely be a lot higher for the same performance. Great laptop with very good battery life and none of the low-power i7s will come close to the Quad core i5, especially in CAD work.

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