Health issue: Pain in chest

Since it seems that there are plenty of people with broad health knowledge, here is one for you to solve:

From time to time, at more or less random moments, I get a sharp pain in my chest, more or less where the heart is.
Over time I come to realize, that drinking 1 glass of ( preferably very cold ) water solves the issue immediately.

Sometimes there is no drink in vicinity ( last time was in the train ), so I collect as much spit I can, and then "pretend" to drink.
Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night, and I have to get up to get a drink

It is not a heart attack, ( otherwise I would be dead since a while ) and I don't suffer of high blood pressure.

Curious to see what OZBargain has to say.

closed Comments

  • seriously, stop being such a p*ssy. Just hold your breath and beat your chest furiously when it happens. It will go away. Be a man, stop asking for advice especially doctors. I mean, what do doctors know, nothing :)

  • Mate i am like you, have been experiencing spontaneous chest pains for over a year now. Been to the doctors, did some tests, came back negative. Problem remains there. I learnt to realise that my posture was probably causing it. I would always be humping over or slouching. Now i would make sure that my shoulder blades are back and chest are out so the chect muscles are constantly stretched.

  • So many health specialists here. Ignore ANY!!!! advice from here besides 'go to the doctor' so yes, GO. TO. THE. DOCTOR! Tomorrow! Bulk billing is your friend.

  • Chest pain is a red flag.

    For the love of God please go to your doctor.

  • Sounds like you got reflux. Cold milk helps me a little better than cold water. Bring minty chewing gum for train, chew a couple at once if you get it. See if that helps. If not, doctor it.

  • While you definitely need to see your gp, it's always good to go there with some ideas as chest pain may be caused by a number of things; read on. One night, I woke up with excruciating pain in my chest which I thought was heart attack. I went to the emergency department of our local hospital immediately as I thought I was dying. They said I was fine and I went back home with some pain killers (they suggested it would have been due to the reflux I was suffering from). This repeated a couple of times until I had a gastroendoscopy exam which revealed that I had sliding hiatus Hernia. A quick google search revealed it's one of the reasons for pain in the chest. I had two types of pain in the chest; one was causing me to roll on the floor and the other one was much less and it would be subdued with some gaviscon or something similar. After a year of suffering, an unrelated X-ray of my abdomen revealed I had gallstones. Another quick google search revealed chest pain was also a symptom of gallstones, the type that would make you roll on the floor. I had an operation to remove the gallstones after 6 months of more suffering and that excruciating pain was gone forever. I still have the milder pain if I drink fizzy drinks but I know it's caused by my hiatus hernia. So the gist of the story is you need to see your gp and explore all options that would cause this type of pain. While I admire medical doctors a lot, solving mystery problems is really directly proportional to their experience and whether they dealt with that very same problem before with another patient or you just have to get lucky like me :)
    P. S. I later found out that two relatives also had same type of pain and both were diagnosed with gallstones.

  • i also get these. sometimes middle of the night

  • Have you tried setting a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner?

    Keep a food/activity diary to see if there are any patterns.

  • I am closing the comments for this post.

    @OP — please seek professional medical advice rather than asking in the forum where there's no accountability here.

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