Basic Broadband Plan with No/Short Contract

I have a friend who is looking for a cheap, basic broadband plan.
While I have just upgraded to NBN they tell me they hardly use their internet… Don't understand people like that.
Anyway, I heard that Whirlpool shut down their comparison chart - bummer.
Does anyone have any good suggestions for a cheap (under $30 pm), reliable and basic internet plan for my friend.
We are in Perth.


  • Spintel has no setup fee and no contract for bundles right now. But the cheapest Bundle is $40/month.

    • As a Spintel customer, I'd be wary about recommending them to a friend. Speeds may not be what they claim (well, at least in regional areas).

      • I am not recommending them. But I don't know of any alternative that better fits what OP is asking. Do you?

        Personally I recommend Exetel but depending on who you ask apparently they are no good either.

        • I wasn't suggesting you were recommending them, just making it clear that I wouldn't.

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