Originality Check for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro?

How to check the originality of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro that I bought from Aliexpress last month?? Any app or website to check the serial number?


  • +1

    There are a few ways of checking.

    First is at mi.com/verify with the Product Authentication code if it came with one. It'll depend on the device and which market it was made for though so you might not have one. Otherwise you can try with the IMEI and S/N.

    If that still doesn't work you can try the Mi Verification App

    • This is the result I got, does it look okay? - http://i.imgur.com/WFFw37I.jpg

      Is the Product Authentication code can be found in the sticker back of the phone? Well, I scratched it off already. :(

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