South Australian "Keep South Australia Beautiful" CO Wants to Reduce Parmigiana/Schnitzel Serve Sizes…

Absolute blasphemy here! Let's hope this doesn't go any further than SA!

Smaller schnitzels might be served up to diners in an Adelaide restaurant trial aimed at reducing food waste.

Keep South Australia Beautiful (KESAB) chief executive John Phillips told 891 ABC Adelaide the State Government had reacted positively to the idea.

"We have to be innovative and look at good ideas, and this is one that's come up," he said.

Stopping before I go on a rant!


  • +2

    Yeah, they gave this a plug on 891 last week… It's a moronic idea, and I can only imagine how many hotels would be jumping on board for this one…

    "YES! Sign us up to give the customer something they don't want… Bigger is shitter, right?!"

    No. Pubs aren't going to take to this. The state government might have played lip service to it, just to get the git out of their offices, but that's it. If anything this stunt will deter people from supporting KESAB because it's just that, a stunt.

    Phillips also indicated that SA was a "world leader" in recycling or some such rubbish— I mean our container deposit is an excellent program, but there's not much more that makes us stand out as a state, particularly when we simply don't have the same population concentration as the eastern states for new initiatives to be successful (for example, Veolia's Woodlawn project).

    • Yeah I heard about it on 96fm today, presenter was going off lol they actually had John Phillips on the phone, let him say "Hi", then cut him off! Was good radio lol :)

  • +2

    Smaller schnitzels might be served up to diners in an Adelaide restaurant trial aimed at reducing food waste

    HAHAHAHA It's just money saving.

    • +1

      I'd say that if the pubs/eateries were pushing this angle… KESAB legitimately believes that they will reduce food waste this way… Not even kidding… I mean, they're going to get shouted down and lose a lot of community respect, but they're actually seriously… Unless they pad this out for another nine months and then turn around on April 1st 2017, proclaiming it to be the most thought out April Fool's Day prank in history.

  • well as long as they drop the price by same percentage i'd be ok with it but i wouldnt hold my breath
    Then again they could always offer a medium or large option

  • As if we didn't already have enough laws and regulations.

    And what's to stop someone ordering two?

    If it were a voluntary opt-in scheme I doubt any business would opt-in.

  • It's the kind of promotion/initiative/scheme that somebody, probably a low level executive that can't handball the blame to anyone else, gets fired for.

  • Why don't they have entrée size and Main size?

    • Lots of places do already, my local offers full/half size for their house special schnitty.

      There's countless, "Why" questions here… It was a grab for publicity and a poorly thought out idea.

      • Lots? in SA I can name few that doesn't do that.
        Ale house, Tap ins don't do that. (specially not Parmigiana/Schnitzel)
        Not everyone have same amount of appetite when they going out for dinner.

        • Yeah, some places do, some places don't. That's a decision for the business, not for KESAB.

  • -1

    Is it about reducing waste or reducing waist(lines)?
    Either way might help keep SA more beautiful.

    • +1

      I'll be honest, that was my interpretation too. I'm not for it personally but it'd certainly help with the "waste"line (ahem) of my housemate; that's all she eats and she can eat like a horse.

  • Food waste should be addressed at home first since thats where most meals are eaten.

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