Xiaomi Piston 3's vs Hybrid?

Anyone care to make a first hand comparison between the two?
I understand the Hybrid is a duel driver and supposed to be their new flagship in-hear headphones, but are they worth buying over the Pistons if you already own them?

There isn't really much critical review of the Hybrids in direct comparison to the Pistons. A few passing comments suggest their sounds are similar, which puts me off purchasing the hybrids.


  • Prob not worth buying if u already have the 3s….
    However they are cheap enough, so why not

  • I have both because my 3's were starting to die. I think the Hybrids are better but the difference is really hard to notice.

  • Ok, secondary question. Is there any difference between any of the Piston range (i.e. Piston I, II and III)?

  • I like my hybrids much more than my 3s. Plus, they're like $25 so might as well, right?

  • For people who purchased Hybrids from Everbuying how long did delivery take?

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