Stranger Things (WARNING! SPOILERS! Probably)

Thoughts on Stranger Things?

I just finished Stranger Things. Great show… until the last episode. I thought it was really rushed, and there were lots of unresolved things. And it's not just unresolved because they want to make a new season. Unresolved as in, "Crap… we only have one episode left… let's just cram this guy's history in there. Let's forget about how they get back. Let's just brush past the fact that this strange thing happened. Oh, well."

I'm trying to be vague, just in case someone who hasn't finished the series reads this. But I'm happy to go into detail.


  • Crap… we only have one episode left… let's just cram this guy's history in there.

    Yup, welcome to modern film/TV writing technique…then just do a reboot a few months later! ;)

    • +1

      I don't want to sound like a snob, but that's the reason why I watch more indie and foreign films these days. Hollywood fluff just doesn't cut it for me. So if I want to spend $20 to watch something, I'll be going for lots of big sounds and explosions. Anything else, I'll wait a few months, rent it and watch it at home on my couch. Plus I get to pause and take toilet breaks.

  • Cracking show, which captured the 80s nostalgia perfectly. Loved the soundtrack too.

    • This! Born in early 80s. The props they used are spot on. When Winona was clicking the phone, it reminded me of the times when our phone cross wired and I could hear other people's conversation.

      • They could have gone super 80's and thrown in some Atari, NES, Michael Jackson. But I like how it was just subtle enough to let you know this was still set in the 80's and not go overboard.

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