KTV Software for Home Use

Hey OzBargain community,
I'm Asian. Asians love KTV. It doesn't matter if you're Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, Singaporean, Malaysian, etc., you've probably been to a KTV booth before.
A friend has a KTV machine at home where you load in a bunch of KTV VCDs/DVDs, you can buy them at Asian electronic stores. I've been wondering if there is software that lets you set one up yourself but I've never been able to find anything decent. Does anyone have any recommendations? Surely there are resources out there to DIY something like this.

All I'm after is something simple that lets you:

  • Add your own files (.mpg or whatever format) to a database
  • Able to add songs to a queue using an ID number or by searching for things like song name, artist name, etc.
  • Print out a song list for people to browse through and choose songs
  • Things like change the key of the song, equaliser, etc. would be a bonus

Basically, the fundamentals of a KTV booth.



  • Yeah Kodi/Tv addons has one, I think it might be in rodrigos repository. Yes it is


    You could just download the freetelly app and it will come configured with the addon installed, but I prefer to set it up manually all you need to do is install Kodi and the fusion addon a quick google with get you up and going in about 20mins

    • Thanks, I'll look into this!
      Does this work with Kodi on a RPi? Or only on Windows?

      • https://kodi.tv/download/

        theres the systems it works on, I have heard of people running them on such devices.

        I run mine of an old rk3188 android tvbox and it works pretty well, I'm not sure about connecting mics to it, but it seems very feasible with bluetooth.

        if you go to the tvaddons.ag page and search for ktv in the forums, there is probably addons specifically for that as the user base is pretty large and there is pretty much something for everyone.

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