Fibre to the node SPEED newbie question

I'm excited (I think)!! Yesterday I got a flyer in the mail saying that NBN is coming to my area. It is supposed to be installed Q4 of 16. I suspect that I will only be geting fibre-to-the-node instead of fibre-to-the-premises.

My question is: with a fibre-to-the-node installation, does my theoretical max speed depend on how far from I am from the node ( a bit like ADSL2+ with distance from the exchange)? i.e. would it be fastest if the node was in my front yard!!


  • I'm new to it at as. just got it installed with iinet 100Mbits plan. only getting 30mbp down on sync. on adsl i was getting 15mbps/1mbps, now 32mbps/10mbps.unfortunately thats how fttn is, it depends on your distance to your exchange

    • I'm approximately 920m from the node and I'm getting 37Mbps/17Mbps after having 16Mbps/1Mbps on ADSL2. It's a nice increase, but I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't get more, especially having had a good speed on ADSL. I thought that might have translated into a good NBN speed, but not necessarily so.

      • Yes exactly. i thought my 15/1 was pretty good for ADSL2 and expected to get at least 50. I'll wait a week or two and might ask to drop down to 25/5 plan. on iinet, its $20 cheaper per month, currently paying $100

  • +2

    It will depend on your distance from the node as over about 400m speeds start to drop off substantially, and the condition of the copper line from the node to your premises.

    The distance to the exchange is completely irrelevant.

    You'll probably get better feedback from

  • Yes, FTTN uses VDSL2, and speed drops off with distance a lot faster than ADSL obviously. I recall reading that guaranteed speeds are 12/1 but can't find the exact source, but you'd be extremely unlucky to sync around that.

  • +2

    It's crazy how the Government has pending installations of a technology that's already out dated. How frustrating it must be for node users.

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