2016 Kia Sportage Owners

For any owners of the 2016 Sportage, can someone please hold down the settings (cog) button and post the details given on the screen?

I'm trying to compare the devices in the 2016 Sportage and the 2015 Sorento to see if the Android Auto update (and upcoming CarPlay update) for the Sportage could be applied to the Sorento.

The Sorento's details are:

Device ID C4366C911208
For further information about your Map upgrade,
please visit the website.

Software ver. : UM.AU.PRO.10.503065
Navi app ver. : UM.AU.PRO.2014.12.24
Map ver. :
Firmware ver. : UM.AU.PRO.10.662



  • Go to a dealership, that'll be the quickest way. In fact, if you did that, you'd have an answer by now

    • I guess it's an unusual question so that's why I didn't bother the dealership.

      The AA update is officially not available for the Sorento but I want to compare systems.

      • It's a 2-minute question, just requires grabbing a key and comparing. Just be nice, be upfront, tell them it'll be quick. Have the details in your post printed out, or written down, so the comparison can be made quicker.

        If you're upfront, and you'll be out of their hair in 2 minutes, you should be fine

  • I've got this updated on my Sportage. Here are the version numbers:

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