Bringing back an electric moped scooter from Singapore

Im considering buying an electric moped scooter in Singapore and bringing it back with me on my flight back to Australia.

Has anyone here had any experience doing that. Were there any gotcha's or complications with Australian customs?



  • I didn't know they could fly.

  • +1

    Won't you have a problem with the lithium battery in it, can't go into the hold and too high capacity to go as carry on luggage?

    • That's what I thought.
      Getting the batteries onto a plane is the drama.

  • Ok i just realised moped is something else completely.

    It's more like scooter in the sense of those razor scooters but with an electric motor.

    Here's an example of one…

    • The two in your example you wouldn't be able to use in Australia or Victoria at least (other states probably have same laws).

      You'll probably need to find something with a motor under 200W that can't go over 10 km/h

      As for airlines the battery just be under 160Wh and less than 8grams of lithium.

      CASA has a video on this…

  • I can't see why you can't bring back an mobility scooter from overseas if you really needed it. I guess it could be cheaper than ones here.
    It probably needs to be folded away in checked in luggage. Just make sure the batteries all ones want to push around a broken down scooter with you are still sitting in it though apart from maybe coppers. They must help ya especially if you get stuck on the side walk and it starts raining.gosh I would carry a phone all the time just in case though.good luck

  • Keep it boxed, send it as cargo. No problems.
    Pay duty where applicable

    I brought home an electric bike motor kit without issues from singapore

    • Did you bring in the battery too, or just the motor & controller?

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