Snails and slugs - how to get rid of them the ozbargain way?

Hi all

I planted some leafy vegetables in my garden a few months ago. Now they have attracted countless snails and slugs. What's the most effective way of getting rid of these pests? I saw some youtube videos on how to make snail traps using plastic bottles and beer. Do they really work?



  • sodium

    • sodium chloride?

      • nay, pure sodium, it's the only way to ensure a bigger kaboom.

  • +2

    You can use baits or pellets but going out with a torch just after a heavy shower and squishing is quite satisfying

    • make use of those cree torches :) That way you have an idea where to concentrate your efforts.
      Cracked mussel shells sprinkled around plants make for a slug slicer that is ready on hand for
      that round of slug ninja (who wants to pick up a nasty slug right).
      Pellets when you can't get'em all.

  • +3

    Catch and package as escargot. Profit! :)

  • +1

    Start a compost bin and just chuck em in there

  • +2

    a) crunched up egg shell.
    b) a bowl with beer in it apparently attracts them. (something they can easily climb in to - e.g. dig a small hole and put the bowl in it)
    c) get a duck or chicken (free eggs!!)

    • I think a bucket of salt water works, i kind of remember my dad doing this when i was younger.

  • +1

    Used coffee grounds around your plants… works whilst the grounds are dry. Some cafes give away the grounds

  • +3

    Give them a stern written warning

  • +1

    egg shells: tried them. not effective

    coffee ground: tried them. not effective

    yeast + sugar + salt in a container: caught a few but doesn't stop them from eating the plants

    pellets - so far so good. only cost me $2.17…

    *read the instructions before using. Some are harmful for pets. The Bayer brand is very poisonous (not for edible crop).

    • Thanks xwon123. I'll buy some pellets then :)

  • i have holes in my kale, spinach and cabbages. as long as whole plants don't disappear then i tolerate it.

    i also noticed white cabbage butterflies around which apparently lay eggs on leaves which turn in to caterpillers. so you could be under airborne attack as well :)

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