Insight Needed: Where the IT industry is heading, risk and opportunities

Hey guys.

Just need some insight for a report ,

Wanting to suss out some thoughts on where everything thinks the IT industry is Currently heading , what the Risks as well as the Opportunities are right now?

Much appreciated!


  • +8

    Sounds like you are wanting other people to write your high school/university assignment. :)

    • Nah, this is for a friends job interview report haha.

      • Like, for Centrelink?

  • When prospective employees are asked to answer garbage questions like that instead of being judged by their skills and ability to do their job, you can guess where the industry is headed.

  • It's all about the Digital Transformation…
    Disruption is dead.

  • I think IT is heading to Big Data age as the amount of data processing everyday growing massively. Who is able to process data in a quick and simile way who will win i.e. google is getting bigger and bigger.

  • There is the IT industry at large and then there is Australia

    So one of the questions you may need to consider is are you prepared to go off shore to get the skills / run up the front or sit back and wait for something to trickle down to us.

    If it was medecine you could ask the question in reverse :)

  • The opportunities are to replace all the other workers with robots, and through sneaky programming, elevate yourself to a monarch / deity / whatever floats your boat.

    Since it's for a job interview, HR should appreciate the view to streamline processes and reduce overhead costs.

  • most IT jobs will require pilots licences as everything gets moved into the cloud

  • Big Data



    Security/ Data protection

    Jobs offshore

  • Data Analysts - Many IT people who handle data and being able to derive meaningful analysis/trend, ended up opening their own business. Telstra Health used to be owned by bunch of IT rebels before being bought by Telstra and renamed Telstra Health.

    Cloud - As a means to reduce onsite overhead, employs Google/Amazon to run their system so companies don't have to invest in own infrastructure.

    Agile Professionals - IT needs to know how to speak business and IT at the same time. Gone were the days where consultants are hired to do a specified task but now they're being asked to provide advice.

    Solutions Architect - Whatever that name means but it entails writing an end-to-end solutions chart comprising of what systems being used and how they interface with other systems. Many of these people end up being hired as a quasi project manager since they designed the "solutions".

    My 2 cents

  • Nearly every high-tech job lately is looking for networking & programming experience, in some sense.

    If you want to know what's leading, have a look at the number of job offerings on for the given fields.

  • Security and Documentation.

    Seriously, these are two very old problems and in my opinion are closely related.

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