GeekBuying Std Airmail, Tracking Says Arrival in Oz 14 Days Ago??

Hi everyone, anyone have any experience with having ordered a phone from geekbuying, despatch and tracking all going to plan, but then the tracking service ends with "arrived in destination country AU 28/9/16" or similar, but no sign of it at my PO box here in Nambour, Queensland (just North of Brisbane)? So two weeks in the country but no sign? Is it a case of it should be any day now…customs and parcel post not what they used to be…. or has anyone got any insight who has maybe had a similar situation? Thanks for any info..please note I have queried geekbuying tracking support but the helpful reply was "check with your post office".. :(

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  • +1

    Should be any day now.. usually takes around two weeks for me after arriving into aus ~ also you should check your post office just in case they didn't card you and it went straight there

    • +1

      Pretty much this ^. Tracking has confirmed that it's reached Australia and is likely in the hands of Customs or Auspost. Recent announcements of Auspost taking longer to deliver certainly hasn't helped either :(

  • Thanks guys, had a feeling it wasn't panic stations quite yet but nice to have reassurance…..

  • I'm in the same boat as op. To top that off, my friend who ordered the same thing two weeks after me has got his item which got me worried about mine.

  • I would be worried if i was you, 2 weeks at customs is not normal, unless they have a huge backlog. Ive only had 3 packages held back by customs in the last 10 years, but they were all cleared within 2-3 days.

  • I heard Customs were going on strike aswell

  • well here I go and check the PO Box today and still nothing… then again there have been some very real customs holdups apparently this month so I'm wondering whether it is a case if just crossing my fingers for the rest of the week. Anyone else still waiting on a delivery "in Australia" for 2+weeks?????

  • Anyone with anything to add?

  • my std. package from geekbuying finally arrived 36 days after leaving Singapore and about three weeks after entering Australia….

    • Would have left China or Hong Kong. No warehouse in Singapore.

      Something at customs has caused the delay. The strikes probably.

      • Hi both

        Just to add, the tracking number provided by GeekBuying for standard mail is linked with Singpost, as checked on, and I was also able to track using Singpost's website. Maybe the item transited in Singapore? This is the sequence of updates I got:

        Received from customer -> Despatched to overseas (Country code: AU) -> Arrive at Destination Post (Country: AU)

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