
Hi all,

Anyone have any experience with earthmoving?

I have a sloping garden that I want to level out and am thinking of hiring an excavator of some sort but have no experience.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.



  • You can hire a Dingo Digger (i.e doesn't really require any experience) from most places for about $200-250 per day. Supposedly not too tricky. Also known as a Kanga Digger, I think. its like a little open-top bobcat kind of thing

    i'm going to hire one out for the same task

  • Having watched the earthmovers doing work on our property, the skill needed to make a Bobcat do what you want is not unlike flying a helicopter, requiring coordination for both hands and feet. Maybe a Dingo is easier. I don't think I'd be trying it myself.

    At any rate, this Whirlpool thread might prove enlightening.

  • Hmm I just got a report back from ausgrid and there is a power cable under where I want to dig.

    This throws a spanner in the works.

  • +1

    I've head of someone making an anonymous call to the police tipping them off about some dead bodies buried in their garden. Police came around with all the gear and dug it for free.

    • +2

      Hello, is this the Police?'

      'Yes What can I do for you?'

      'I'm calling to report 'bout my neighbor Virgil Smith….He's hidin' marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs , but he's hidin' it there.'

      'Thank you very much for the call, sir.'

      The next day, the Police descend on Virgil's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but; find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave.

      Shortly, the phone rings at Virgil's house.

      'Hey, Virgil! This here's Floyd….Did the Police come?'


      'Did they chop your firewood?'


      'Happy Birthday, buddy!'

    • What can I tell them to make them flatten out my garden?

      • Tell them the bodies are buried on the high side.

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