Multi Vitamin for Toddlers


my toddler hardly eats his greens
In fact his very picky with his food and it drives me insane

Whats a good multi vitamin can I give him??? Preferably a lolly type


  • +7

    A toddler that doesn't like vegetables? Stop the presses!

    Just do what my parents did, mash them up and mix them with a different food until they get used to the taste.

  • +10

    Cook stuff for him that's tasty & hide the veg in it…lasagne, meatloaf, rissoles, quiche/frittata, pasta bake, etc, etc with a good mix of grated veg.

    The whole vita-gummy thing is a slippery slope, best not to get them hooked on useless lollies.

  • +4

    Neither does mine.

    I grate green vege and shoved into her food. Works a treat :)

  • Chiming in to agree with those above.
    Note that even if your kid skips the vegetables, they very likely still get all the nutrients they need so a pill is a waste of time.
    The things are literally marketed to play on the fears of parents, so don't reward that sort of behaviour with revenue.

    • +5

      If your kids don't eat their vegetables, and you do nothing about it, then you're a terrible parent. And your kid will become a drug addicted sex worker who votes liberal and writes comments in BOLD UPPERCASE

  • I wouldn't recommend giving multi-vitamins for toddlers, encourage him/her to eat more fruit if they won't stomach vegetables.

  • spray the vegetables with a bit of sugar water to sweeten them, then gradually cut back on the sugar

  • +1

    Honeyed carrots, honeyed peas, beans, and even brussel sprouts ( which are naturally sweet if the outside leaves are removed and steamed not boiled)

    Lasagna with the veggies blended into the sauce. Mashed potato mixed with butternut pumpkin

    Fang I'm hungry

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