Getting My Personal/Company Tax Done

Hey there guys, long time user, 1st time poster.
I have a few q's regarding getting my taxes done.

I am a company that employees 2 people. My wife and myself.
Now i am with my 2nd accountant, because i found the 1st was useless.

This accountant does all of my BAS', our personal tax and businees tax. My problem is he is in no RUSH, to get my personal or business tax done. He claims business tax doesnt need to be completed until may of next year. But also tells me he cant do my personal tax until he has done my business tax. Does this seem right.

We pay all our child day care fees in full etc. so we need to get our taxes completed so that we can get whats owed to us from the gov in regards to the above.

Should i look for yet another Accountant?

Thanks for taking the time to read



  • +2

    That is quite normal

  • +1

    Should i look for yet another Accountant?

    Now, if he was paying you for the service, I'm sure you'd be happy for him to complete the task when it suits him…however, I'm sure you see where I'm going with this… ;)

  • He claims business tax doesnt need to be completed until may of next year

    That's correct. Professional tax accountants can delay the submission until May the following year. In fact my accountant didn't manage to submit mine (and OzBargain's) tax return until July. ATO tries to charge me interest but my accountant appealed as it wasn't my fault.

    I guess the situation for me is that I almost always need to pay extra tax, so I don't mind delaying this for as long as I can.

    • I got told by my accountant that as I owe the tax office money this year they will probably put me on quarterly installments once my tax return is submitted. This way they don't miss out on the interest next time. Bad news for them is it won't be submitted until the May 2017 deadline.

  • Sweet, Thank you guys for the above comments.

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